Hi there! Please sign my guestbook!

Richard - 12/20/00 05:27:50
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: RFB (Resource for Bears)
Woof! I like the cowboy-hat pictures and the k+++. Ever get to Phoenix/Tempe? FurryHugs

david - 10/23/00 18:59:46
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: smell of bear!!!!
Hie! my name's david, I'm 27 y.o.(I'm hairy and a bear lover) Nice site, nice picture, but you've to add more hairs, you are a bear, so you have to show your hairs, that's not only for sex but may be to be proud of it. I like your pictures, You seem ver quite and mild with a nice smile, you are the kind of man that I would like to meet, but the problem is that I don't know if you're still single and I'm living in europe...may be, we never know, I would like to stay in contact with you and send you my pi ture.Take care, bye!

Danny - 10/13/00 01:27:50
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: through Reed Campbell
I have heard very nice things about you from Reed. Just wanted to say hello.

Wayne - 09/22/00 04:54:03
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Link on bear pages.
Your a good looking guy. Are you single? Your page didn't say. I'm single. Wayne

Jay J Dunn - 07/07/00 03:32:44
My Email:NceGuyLBCA
How you found my page?: AOL Long BeachM4m
Very wells done, Brain...Great background pics What else can I say.....Well done Web Page!!! jay

- 07/07/00 03:24:59

Greg Foote - 07/04/00 03:01:14
My URL:http://www.lakeminnetonka.com/pipebear.htm
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: thru a search for gay men,
I would love it if you're pics were clickable so I could click on one for a bigger size, they're so small I can't see you that well, and you have a gorgeous face from what I can see, anyhow lets be E-mail friends forever ok? "Happy 4th of July to you, "You take care now,

Terry - 06/26/00 19:00:22
My URL:http://www.bearland.com/dr_who/
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BEAR QUAY
HEY BRIAN!! LTNS!! Was just pawing thru the BearQuay trying to find my listing so I could see where it was pointing as Dave added me eons ago, and saw yours there so I thought I'd just pop in to see whatcha been UPto. (: (: Drop me a line or gimme a call when ya get a cha ce and lets get together for a B Y T E or something, hummm??

- 02/25/00 15:48:57
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: wild guess, just used a number
very hot looking man, nice beard, nice face, nice cowboyoutfit! QWOOOOOOOOF !

Andy - 02/17/00 12:40:19
My URL:http://members.aol.com/grizzlygrk
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: found your homepage through your BML positing
You are just as cute as a cub can be!

Jeff - 01/13/00 08:42:30
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: bear links
You are a real handsome man & I like your workboots. I'd like to see closer shots of both. Umm yum!

Mark Eggert - 01/05/00 01:18:13
My URL:http://www.crl.com/~meggert
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: a friend
The photos are nice, but small. It would be nice to see more of your face.

Terry - 01/02/00 03:02:24
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: AOL profile
VERY cute otter :-)

TIM - 12/16/99 05:43:22
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Aol profile
Woof handsome man, love the website, the pictures, the cowboy hat, ur a looker. Thanks for sharing. Hugs! Tim

Mike Burton - 12/14/99 21:41:28
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: AOL Profile
Very Nice Page for a VERY nice man! No pictures can capture just how handsome you are in person and what a kisser! Woo

chuck dalton - 12/13/99 00:42:54
My Email:[email protected]
just wanted to say hello, i live in tenn....chuck

george - 10/25/99 13:55:58
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BML
I think you look super. Now take off your shirt and show us more. :-)

george woods - 10/21/99 06:14:20
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: surfing
it seems you have it all going for you. congratulations. Where or which Borders. Just a peek at the real thing. Thanks. Goerge

Tim - 10/20/99 15:36:34
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BML
Hello, and a major WOOF! to you. Liked your site. Memeber of Bears LA. Live in Pomona. Hopefully, will get to meet you in the "flesh" sometime. I get down to LB from time to time. Have pics available if you are interestd....

Fernando Prado - 08/12/99 18:12:17
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: I was just passing by
You page is nice, short, but nice; greetings from Mexico City

Jim - 07/18/99 01:30:51
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BearRing
What a great looking guy. As others, who have signed your guest book, have said - what a looker! The camera really likes you. I live up in the Silverlake District (although I am a bit older than you, however). Will you be getting up here for the Sunset Junction Aug 21/22? Do you work at Barnes and Noble - or are you a social worker. I just began a career as a high school teacher - a second career after teaching college and working in the film industry. Sounds like you enjoy reading. HUGS Jim

Kirk - 06/23/99 05:48:57
My URL:http://members.aol.com/kirk1968/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: While diving goatee first into your cute butt!
You are the most special man I have ever met and am looking forward to getting to know you alot better! *Hugs*

Jason - 05/20/99 06:28:08
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: got to be some bear page
Like to say hi. nice home page.

Phil Maguire - 05/18/99 04:38:58
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BML
Nice site! I can't believe that there is an actual web site for the Royal Family. What's more, I can't believe I actually spent a half an hour there. Thanks for the link!

george woods - 05/12/99 05:26:33
My Email:george812@earthlink.,net
How you found my page?: Bears Digest
I'm twice your age - don't know about experience I like the looks of your page and would like to share some time - learning to post a page myself. If you are so inclined - Great If not - so be it. I also live in Long Beach. North

Adam Reinstein - 05/11/99 20:06:52
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: through your posting to the BML
For one - WOOF! Two, I love to correspond with bears all across the world. Feel free to drop me an e-line. Adam

Ken - 04/06/99 16:25:08
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BML Post
Hey buddy! I have just read your BML post and your comments about not fitting in and growing in in a straight environment. Gosh, can I relate? I too am attracted to a pretty face/body but the man I commit to one day will a heart that is warm and true ab ve all else. Thanks!

Ming-Jen Chenq - 04/06/99 13:15:48
My Email:[email protected]

Kevin S. O'Donnell - 03/25/99 03:49:57
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: bearbonds web page
When I saw that picture of you sitting on a picnic table in your personal ad on the bearbonds web personals site, I thought . . . that looks like Mr. Right! What a dream!!! A laid-back looking bear in work boots! Excuse me, but I got a hard-on just looking at your picture. I guess that's why your website has over 4 million hits on its site so far! I just wish I weren't living so far away (in Chapel Hill, NC). I'm a GWM, 43, 175, brown hair/ yes, with a 'stache and goatee. Hope to hear back from you!

garreth - 03/24/99 23:43:16
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: bearbondsdigest
I enjoyed reading about you and I enjoyed your page. thanks for posting it. gbear http://www.homestead.com/gbear/gbear.html

Fernando Travieso - 03/10/99 05:36:44
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: looking for nice bears
Hi. Greetings from Montevideo, Uruguay. I am a great admirer of bears. I think you make me remember my father who used to be one. Unfortunately I did not inherited the look, on the contrary I am the kind of man who could perfectly be a twin. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I think you have a great face, and I am sure the social work you do is because you are a very nice and kind person. I hope I could meet somebody like you some day... Good luck. Fernando ;�)

Danny - 02/28/99 22:03:30
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: through bearbonds
like the site. i get out to the la area every year. like guys shorter than me . dont know why i just do. my NBCS is B4/5 f+ t w dc g++ k e. im 41,5'11",240 and losing,dk brown miltary cut hair,full beard and mustache,hairy,grey eyes. ask me anything else. ok. big bearhug. Danny.

T. Wayne Sowell - 02/20/99 20:42:40
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: bearbonds visit
Greetings from Tennessee. You are a Cutie Mr. Bear. I wish you the best and greatest career in your chosen field of social work.

Harold Cutler - 02/15/99 16:21:40
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: the "bear bonds" link from netscape
I sent you a message from there--hope you got it....

Tom - 01/31/99 23:02:59
My Email:[email protected],
How you found my page?: luck and a bear web site
Thanks for shareing some of your life with a new commer to the computer world as I just got it in december.Im in new jersey no jokes please and love it hear.Im 53 yrs young and 6ft 230lbs.Im a polar bear full white beard and a travler when I can. Thanks for the time .A Friend TOM

Jamey Frank - 01/28/99 06:57:49
My URL:http://www.netwiz.net/~pupnchps
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BML
Hi, handsome!

Nathan Yancy - 01/27/99 19:10:27
My Email:[email protected]
Hey there Brian, IBR ' 99 Roommate! Thanks for the comments on your last e-mail! It is good to see pictures of you! I need a website myself!! Later, Nathan

Vito - 01/24/99 17:09:58
My Email:[email protected]
Brian! What's up? Do you still need the announcement on the misc.section of the BLA web page? Let me know. XXVito

David - 01/17/99 14:39:15
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear Bonds Digest
Hi Brian, Great site. Love your pics. You seem like a very nice guy. Look forward to coming back to your great site in the future. Take care and warm hugs to you. David

Michael Killian - 01/10/99 20:40:06
My URL:http://www.goplay.com/BEARSTUD
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: through a link
Nice pics, would like to see more. I have some in return Bearstud

Jeff Stone - 12/05/98 15:48:50
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: you showed me
I will look forward to meeting you in the near future--in about 5 min. Still need to find out what all those code words mean, but maybe I can discover them through actual, hands on experience. Where are the hot photos? Hugs and stuff Jeff

Brian Kasstle - 11/18/98 06:08:49
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/1207
How you found my page?: Please note the email section DOES NOT WORK!!!!
Please Note when signing this page the email section does not work so PLEASE EMAIL ME DIRECTLY AT [email protected]! Thanks Brian Kasstle the owner of this website!

Dan - 11/11/98 03:44:36
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear relationships website
Brian: You are goodlooking and seem real nice...kind of cub you can take home to Mom. I'm a cub type too but hope that doesn't discourage you from dropping a line back. Maybe two cubs can make one big bear. Anyhow, I'm nice guy (if I may say so myself) and lo king to meet another nice guy to meet, date and hopefully nest with...if interested in knowing more or meeting for a beer, let me know. Take care, Dan

Bob - 10/30/98 18:34:55
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: yahoo
NIce page.... good looking guy:-) Lucky friends !!

Will - 10/18/98 18:08:11
My Email:Wilbyedin
How you found my page?: by chance
What a nice guy you are, loved the photo, drop me a line if you fancy some Scottish conversation..... All the best..... Wil

Cindy - 09/10/98 12:46:23
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]
comment: I like this page.... mine has just been updated :-) Thanks, Cindy

scott - 08/25/98 05:51:14
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear personals.
Nice web site.. Like the pic, but wish I could enlarge then to see your eyes. If you wish, drop me a line. Take care, Scott

tad - 08/23/98 07:54:08
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: God only knows.
Boy are you cute - and just next door in Calif - if you ever get to Vegas, dinner's on me!! And contrary to popular belief (as expressed in your guestbook), I think you look even cuter without the cowboy hat!! ALL guys look cute with the hat on - you look cute period!!

bjarne - 07/31/98 17:57:03
My Email:bj

Greg - 07/30/98 15:01:57
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/1496
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear Bonds
Nice page, Brian.....even though I'm happily involved, my buddy and I both "window-shop" (we just don't get the plastic out :))) might I say: WOOF!

Bob - 07/12/98 12:32:01
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: rainbow query
Hi .... Nice to see a "good looking guy" on the net with an interesting web site (woof) If you like I will send a pic on your reply hope to here from you soon BOB

Chuck - 07/10/98 04:32:27
My URL:http://wwwtheriver.com/scentsations
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear Bonds
Hi Brian, Nice site.I know it's tedious but worth the attention. Your a very kind and compassionate looking man and would be a great asset to the field.

Phil Bailey ( n2bears ) - 07/03/98 08:53:50
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: link from another
I have a bear of my own already. Just wanted to say your very cute and I loved the cowboy hat very hot look. >^..^<

Smyling Sam - 06/22/98 03:33:44
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/1347/
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear Bonds
Pretty Pictures! I was looking at Bear Bonds for some friends for Tom and I to hang with here in MD and bumpted into your site.

daddy bear - 06/17/98 16:32:01
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: just lookin around
hope to hear from you.....soon?

Mikael Monola - 05/28/98 01:30:04
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: i dont really know... but
yes i love yours nice ,fantastic site your great ..... murrr...... my little bearheart is so so.... uuuuuh... murrzzzzzz... nice to know more about you.... all the best BEARHUGS to you michael, littlebearfromfinland

Mikael Monola - 05/28/98 01:28:28
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: i dont really know... but
yes i love yours nice ,fantastic site your great ..... murrr...... my little bearheart is so so.... uuuuuh... murrzzzzzz... nice to know more about you.... all the best BEARHUGS to you michael, littlebearfromfinland

Maximilian - 05/20/98 14:13:19
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Alta Vista
Great website! Nice photographs u have there. Please feel free to email me. Once again....... great website.Keep it up!!!!!

Rhauri Hannan - 05/20/98 13:53:37
My Email:[email protected]
A Bear from Tasmania Australia - a cute guy for sure!! I am a 34 yo Bear living in the wilderness on this tiny island . A nature boy at heart I suppose. Good luck on your journey! RHAURI

Jim Anderson - 05/12/98 10:17:56
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Just looking thru queer net
Your a very Hot looking man.. I'm 5'6.5", 135lbs, 42yrs, brown hair,green eyes, mustache, beard. My head is shaved at this time, but usually like to have a flat top.. I have a couple of friends in L.B. and need to come visit. Hopefully will be down that way this summer.. Tell me more about you if your interested.. I'm always looking for some fun and interesting men to visit.. Jim..

Mario Teixeira - 05/12/98 08:22:39
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/2649
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: search for bears in the net
You�re a very handsome man. Congratulations for your home page and I would like to meet you. I live in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, I�m journalist and search for friends and more around the world.

Ricky Gellissen - 05/03/98 09:17:00
How you found my page?: same as before
Piggin' Hell ! Remind me to wake up properly before typing on the net.What on earth is"pligged"?Sorry,meant plugged. Well, as for my grammar,I meant "Do I" not "Doing I".........just confiscate the peroxide,I'm done with my blonde moment

Ricky Gellissen - 05/03/98 09:16:53
How you found my page?: same as before
Piggin' Hell ! Remind me to wake up properly before typing on the net.What on earth is"pligged"?Sorry,meant plugged. Well, as for my grammar,I meant "Do I" not "Doing I".........just confiscate the peroxide,I'm done with my blonde moment

Ricky Gellissen - 05/03/98 09:12:44
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/1192/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: sheesh! Can't remember.......it's a revisit since I bookmarked it.........but seen your URL pligged on Bear Bonds and Bear Quay
Brian, You're still a well cute bugger. And I'm still nagging you to come over to the UK sometime. Doing I get a merit award for persistence? Hugs 'n' stuff Ricky

DJBear - 04/28/98 05:29:04
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Bear Ring
You are one real hot man, would love to see how hairy the rest of your body is.

Terry - 04/21/98 23:36:51
My URL:/westhollywood/village/6496/
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Vito (Bears LA)
Nice pics. I'd like to know more about you. Certainly more than one paragraph. And I agree with all the other entries in your guestbook. You are cute. I particularly like the one that reads "This is a test"! :-)

Doug - 04/18/98 15:24:48
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BearBond
Great page. Would like to meet you someday in person. However, hope we can become email pals. I am deaf, 5'8", 175 lbs, brown, hazel (chages to green). Lip read and speak well for a deaf person. I live in Austin, TX where I work as an Adm. Tech. for a De f Services agency. Doug PS You look great in the cowboy dudes....

dave - 04/17/98 16:08:28
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: BearBonds
Hi Brian I enjoyed my return visit to your pages... I wish distance wasn't the factor that it is... Best wishes, DAVE

John Kuzmanich - 04/15/98 04:59:22
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: Your comments to the Bears Digest, 10 April.
I enjoyed your website--well done! And I agree with the other guys who have signed your Guestbook: you're a fine-looking man! :)

me again - 04/12/98 18:53:12
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/1207
My Email:mailto:[email protected]
How you found my page?: This is a test
this is a test2

Brian Kasstle - 04/12/98 03:27:11
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/1207
My Email:mailto:[email protected]
How you found my page?: This is a test
This is a test.......

Brian Kasstle - 04/12/98 03:23:23
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/1207
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my page?: This is a test
This is a test.......

Nick - 04/10/98 23:56:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~nickycub/
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: BML Posting
Well, what can I say! Very handsome man especially with that cowboy hat on :). Just thought of letting you know you have an admirer on the other side of the "pond". My name is Nick, I'm Italian and live in London UK. Great Page, great looking guy :). Ciao, Nick

alain - 04/09/98 19:32:38
My Email:[email protected]
I it's the first time I surf in internet. Soi'm loocking for a bedroom for 2 people in the end of august and the biginning of eptember.Idon't no if it's your job but ypu could help us. PS we are not very rich. �Thank you for your help or not

UNCUTBEAR - 04/08/98 20:07:19
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~UNCUTBEAR/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: Thru BearBonds Digest.
Very cute looking bear. Thanks for your website.

Paul homesteadonald - 03/27/98 02:03:53
My URL:http:/www.members.theglobe.com/phomesteadonald
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: Just Cruisin' through the neighborhood
Nice beginning to a homepage. You sound like a nice guy! I'm sitting here in Waikiki just looking around your neighborhood. Thanks a lot and talk to you later!

kevin george - 03/25/98 18:47:08
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: bear ring
interesting, pity there were no topless pics!!!!! mail me some if you like, cheeky i know.

dolphin - 03/17/98 15:09:42
My URL:http://www.dolphin-magazine.com
cool site!

T E R R Y - 02/22/98 09:53:15
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/dr_who/
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: chatting on IRC with ya!!
W O O O O F S ! !
Looking forward to meeting you in-person sometime in the near future and doing that photo shoot to update the site with some new pix. (: (:

Lee Schmick - 02/18/98 16:50:31
My URL:/westhollywood/4729
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: Bear Roulette
Hey Guy... Great page.... Cute too. Lee

TAD - 02/07/98 10:02:44
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: sheer luck
Wow - you are really cute!! would like to get to know you better and can send you my gif if you like - are you on AOL? I am new to the net so not sure if there was more about you that I missed BUT since you are single and SOOO adorable - had to leave you his note!! take care - XOXO TAD

San Diego Bear - 02/07/98 04:49:44
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: bear roulette
Hi Brian! Your website and you (woof!) look very interesting. Keep it up (pun intended). Bye for now. SD Bear

BadBang - 01/29/98 22:19:07
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: GenX Bear's Listing
Kewl page! I love the paw prints. Keep up the great work! Nice pics too :) Have a good one.

wayne - 01/02/98 03:24:45
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: bear quay bear roulette
liked the western-wear shots - you look really hot in them. keep it up ,-)!

Reed E. Campbell - 12/22/97 17:55:51
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: bear roulette
Oh a good night, I can picture the day, when all of my dreams come tru. But on a REAL good night, I meet a man like you. Wade Hayes (paraphrased) U R the man I've been looking for. 3000 miles? Deatails, details!!! Reed

Reed E. Campbell - 12/22/97 17:55:10
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: bear roulette
Oh a good night, I can picture the day, when all of my dreams come tru. But on a REAL good night, I meet a man like you. Wade Hayes (paraphrased) R U the man I've been looking for. 3000 miles? Deatails, details!!! Reed

Lowe - 11/09/97 03:05:28
How you found my website?: surfing
Your nickname is wrong! it's not grizzcub, it is CUTECUB!

garry - 11/05/97 13:59:03
How you found my website?: by accident
you are good looking- i am australian,over 21,uncut with about 10 inches. what a pity we're so far apart!!

Ron - 10/28/97 03:20:59
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: surfing
Hi, I am a married, professional, white, 42 yr. male. I am seeking another male for fun (race, age, looks unimportant). I am 5'7", 163 lbs., 6" cut cock, hairy chest, tattoos, mustache, buzzed "bald" head, non-smoking, no drugs, discrete, extremely clean, dis ase free and HIV negative. I live in Torrance, Ca. but can't play at my place. Perhaps your place or a local hotel/motel? I am open to most anything. If interested. please email me at: [email protected]

Typhoon28 - 10/23/97 13:02:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Typhoon28/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: Web Ring
Come to San Antonio you Cutie!!!

ed - 10/12/97 21:06:58
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: vito'shome page
I'm 35 years old i would to know you something more I'm living in hk 171cm about 80kilo's ofcause I'm a chinese

David "doxy" - 10/10/97 20:51:23
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/2704
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: just dropped in
Hiya neighbor, (in geocities that is) Great site...boy are you ever sexy...and the man reads too?! I'll come back and visit again to see what you're up too. -David

Mechille Chavis - 10/09/97 00:22:39
My URL:/westhollywood/village/3650
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: just surfing
Very cute...I like the little dog!

Kitty Bear - 10/08/97 14:44:44
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: by accident
loved the beagle

q - 10/05/97 00:15:35

lee morales - 10/04/97 23:56:49
How you found my website?: from you.
i found it finally!

Mick - 09/30/97 02:02:20
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: just browsing

Mark and David - 09/25/97 04:02:49
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: rainbowquery.com
Great site. You've got looks and tallent, too.

Dale - 09/19/97 04:59:51
My URL:http://powernet.net/~dalenvegas
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: Had it for about a year now.
Nice guy, hope to see you at the San Diego Rodeo.

Roger - 09/11/97 17:56:53
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: Big Ad Site
Great Page, Great Lookin' and soundin' guy. Will write you on e-mail.

Steve Faherty - 09/09/97 04:15:11
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: you gave it to me!
Brian, Nice web page. I should try to put one together. I will only have pictures of my dog tho, he's the good looking one.

David Neuman - 08/24/97 06:49:43
My Email:[email protected] or [email protected]
How you found my website?: x-list
cute pics, espicially the one with the beagle

Beula - 08/17/97 05:35:30
My URL:http://bigheffer.com
My Email:[email protected]
How you found my website?: wispered to me by a dieing man
I dare say it's fabulous

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