#lesbigirls Home Page

Updated November 18, 1998

You are visitor number since January 1, 1998

Welcome to #lesbigirl's Home page!!

What's New
Updated Channel Operator List

This page will ALWAYS be under construction because the "powers that be" like the construction girl *weg*

#lesbigirls an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) chatroom owned and managed by Shirl, and can be found on IRC Chatnet servers. Some of the most popular IRC clients are mIRC, PIRCH and Virc for Windows users and Ircle for Macs. You can download these programs or find out more about them by simply clicking on their respective links. Please read carefully the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and Help files that come with the programs before using them. ;)

Files and Links
Hall of Shame

Channel Rules

The Channel Rules are simple..

Files and Links

Here are a few files and links that many of our channel users like.

mIRC..arguably the most popular IRC client around. Latest version is 5.41 You can download the mIRC FAQ from here. I strongly recommend reading the FAQ for first time users.
Pirch is another very popular Irc client. Pirch98 is now available.
Arachnophilia is a powerful HTML editor and web page builder made by Paul Lutus. What makes this an even greater program is that it is absolutely free! Read the "Careware" instructions after you set this one up ;) Version 3.9 is now up.
TUCOWS Where you can find The Ultimate Collection of Winsock software
Thousands of Shareware software
The IRC network where #lesbigirls resides
This is ICQ. A program that allows you to find your friends when they log on to the internet
AOL Instant Messenger is a program that allows you to chat with friends when they log on to America On Line
Site for "polite" software. "None of the packages here are hobbled by time bombs, reminders to register or other tricks that vendors typically use to limit the usefulness of trial software." PC World
Eudora Light 3.0.6 is now available. A good Email program that is absolutely free.

Hall of Shame

This section will be dedicated to those who have been especially abusive to the channel Ops and regular guests. It will feature a list of the offender's nicks and domains.

Hopefuly we will not have any use for this section