Nova Scotia GLBT Stuff

[Annie On My Mind/ Xena/ Pinky & The Brain]
[PenFRIENDS] [Our Commune] [My Thoughts]

[last updated Setp 16thth, 2006]



I am What I am: Gloria Gaynor. A very empowering song. The complete song is here. Low (8Khz) quality but as it is it's 1.5megs.
GLBT Message Area: See what people are saying in the glbt message area and add your thoughts to the conversation as well

Find GLBT PENPALS!: Add yourself to the penpal list or maybe there's already someone interested in the same stuff you are to e-mail already. This is for finding penfriends ONLY. If you are looking for sexual encounters then you should look to someone else's penpal homepage. (I have a couple listed furthar down).

A clip from Annie On My Mind: It's a novel by Nancy Garden about two females realising that they love each other. I know it sounds mushy but it's an unbelievably happy feeling book to read and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Here is the beginning of it that i typed up. I really hope Nancy Garden doesn't mind.

Xena/Gabrielle Pic/WAV: A little info about Xena along with a picture and some sounds files for download. (From one of my favorite episodes, The Quest). (And some xena links)

Piny And The Brain: Yup, the famous kids cartoon. Some wavs along with some of the tiny subtile (and not so subtile) jokes I've seen that might indicate that their couplehood. (Pinky in labour with Brain's kid etc) :)

Help me make a Commune!: It's a goal of mine to create a commune in nova scotia. Please give this document a bit of a read and we can start writting about it and developing this together and then hopefully even CARRY IT OUT! someday. I also have some important info and links here (and will add to it).


A few of my thoughts on things

Here are some thoughts I had many many moons ago that I wrote on a BBS I used to run. These messages are mostly a series of responces to other peoples questions. (I like to think I've become a little less roudy since those days). It's an easy way to get to know me and might be helpful to some people that are _completely_ without direction on some of these things.

[Some thoughts on gay issues] [Apathy and Political Correctness] [The meaning of Life]


Some other places that do one or more of the following


E-mail comments to: emcinnis AT hotmail DOT com
[be prepared for a bit of a wait though. I get soo much spam that I rarely check my mail anymore. sorry] This page hosted by