The Meaning of Life i see it

Exerpts of messages I wrote on this issue on my bbs

meaning of life
Sun Feb 26 21:43:50 1995

>Just out of curiousity, what is the point of life? What should we be
>getting out of it? It would be useful to know that before I die.

     I suppose you could say there's no meaning to life ... which I happen to
believe (untill a better idea comes along) ... it was all random ... we can
find patterns ...of course we can, so what? ..doesn't mean we gotta do anything
about it.  What's gonna happen if ya DON'T fullfill this ultimate goal
(whatever it is) ... well ...guess ya find out when you die .. who cares.

     So, for the rest of the message I'll take it for granted that there's no
meaning to life.  Now build on this.  We can do what we want ... what do we
want to do?  we could want to kill everyone ... we seem to like being happy
though ... (I guess it's in the definition or something, is it?) ... so I guess
we can choose THAT to be our meaning, let's now try to do everything that will
make ME happy ... (forget about anyone else ... our purpose isn't to help
others or any gobledegook).

     What makes me happy? ...  seeing people do things to make others happy ...
love ... nature (so let's try to keep that around) ...  the feeling I get when
I know that *I'VE* made someone else happy ... why does this make me happy?
I'm no phylosopher, I don't even care why, it just does...   anyway ... you see
where I'm going with this ... we get a planet of people trying to work together
and learn more about what we're doing (we constantly find that things we are
doing in the name of good are actually hurting others, and we don't like that,
so we learn more and make sure that we're not doing that stuff...
etc...etc..etc) ...

     I think the idea that life has no meaning relieves a lot of stresss as
well ... of course, it doesn't need to have any effect on what you're doing ...
you'll still want to do the same stuff... but if you're under pressure to get
something done, you can always feel "it doesn't matter anyway" and then
continue on on your own pace ...  that's what I do ... course, I don't get much
homeowrk done... but I'm very stress free ..

      things that make me happy: oh, I forgot to mention the intimacy of the
feeling when you take someone's life ... how more personal can you get than to
take someone's life (I do not actually feel this, by the way, this is just a
seg wey).

=open floor to cerial killers.  are they wrong according to what I've said in
this message. 

(Side note: I in no way endorse killing or harming people in any way.  
In fact, I believe that no one should do anything to harm each other but that 
does not fall into the "nothing matters" part of the meaning of life 
discusion, so i will leave it for another message... but think about it in 
the meantime eh?  I have found many reasons to suspect cerial killing is not 
productive to the most fullfilling course of a societies development. (not 
that it's a big brain twister or anything) .. So i know you can too. If you 
happen to BE a cerial killer, I esspecially want YOU to think about it as 
subjectively as you can .. even if you really belive what you're doing is 
write (or, ESSPECIALLY) it can never hurt to test your convictions to make
sure of them in one direction or another (this is of course true of ANY 
convictions, not just these ones))

What I am expressing is an ideol ... these can only work if EVERYone 
participates ... I'm not disputing wether that ideal is possible or not ... 
I'm just stating the ideal itself.

Mon Mar 06 16:55:39 1995

>Have you noticed how many species are becoming endangered and extict?
>I think that their spirits are becoming thosae of the rising human
>population... it makes sense...kinda...

sounds more like just a story ... like all the ledgends ... just to sufice ...
not to actually explain anything, but to make a story to fit the facts... that
we don't really have any way of disproving ... so we can accept it.

that sounded like a stab, here is where i make up for it (in my own way)

But what's so bad about that? ... we've got the bible and all these other
stories ...we really can't prove anything ... because there are so many
posibilities, (you know, all those pointless, it could all be a dream things
...what's the differance, you still gotta descide how you want to act in any
case)... but because of this side, than, if it doesn't matter ...but we crave
resolution ... than why not make up a story ...  hopefully it will be clever
enough to be a productive guide in your life (try not to let it start any wars
though :)

Wed Feb 08 02:14:12 1995
RE: RE-lig-ION

>"Atheism is the road to sanity and truth."

Well, I see no need for that...  I think the word that best describes me is
agnostic? (I'm not sure) ...

     I doubt there is some big old being of some sort doing whatever it is it
does.  But I don't necessarily dis-beleive in god ... I don't plan on ever
making a conclusion that there is or is not one though.  I think that it might
be a little presumptuous of myself to assume that I can make a descision either

     That is me.... I do not consider people that DO beleive one way or the
other to be presumptuous though .... I can see the good in someone giving a
face to all that's considered goodness and then devoting their life with it as
a role model for their actions.  (i can also see the harm) ... I'm sure
everyone has heard points for both sides ... so I won't bore you with the one's
I've considered (although, I will undoubtedly discuss them at a later date).
I think though, that these reason's have no meaning when using them to descide
if it's right for the whole or not .... because people will act on certain
of these aspects ... I doubt that all beings will act on all of the listed
attributes (which would allow us to deside if the good points outweigh the bad)
... or that it's even poosible ...I'm not sure.

     I know some very religious people that I really respect.   They have given
me a lot to respect about the ideals of Catholics (that's what they were, I
know very little about religions) ...  not by telling me why their relgion is
good ... they wern't really concerned with wether I beleived the same things as
them or NOT .... they were only concerned with living up to this thing they
respect ... meaning, they love others.  (so they treated me very nicely ...
it's quite beautiful to see people that are so concerned with making sure that
people are ok and ... just being a friend) ... 

     so I don't think it's necessarily anymore more correct to enforce everyone
being athiest than it is to enforce ANY relgion ..... [NEXT MESSAGE]

living for the day..
Fri Jan 27 14:16:51 1995

>The teenage years, ugh. They do go so slowly. Maybe it's because when you're
>having fun time passes so quickly. When you're a kid, it's fun, so it's gone
>before you ralize what you had. And then the teenage years kick in, and becaus
>all you want to do is get them over with, they continue on forever and forever
>(or so it seems.) 

     Did all of you horton people see that comedian that they showed us (on
tape) on the first year of your arival to horton?   Talking about the years
passing ... always waiting for the next thing .,..THEN everything will be
better ... but it never comes?

"Well, when I'm a senior I'll be respected ..THEN my life will be better ..."

"Well ... when I'm in university .. THEN it'll be better"

"well ... I don't really have as much freedom as I though.t ... I'll have that
when I'm not a frosh ... next year ... once next year comes...won't that be

till he finally arrives at 

"well .. once I'm retired ...then I'll be able to relax and do with my life
exactly what i want"....

.... you're waiting for death if you live waiting for ANYthing ... don't live
like my mom ... just living life for a sucessful completion ..  See what you
have and milk it for all it's worth ... even if it's just a walk from the bus
to your doorstep ... there's the beauty of the wet ground and the grey sky 
this time of year.... everything's crisp...
     if you're waiting for independance ... make your own independance...piece
by piece ..  And enjoy each piece as you make it... like ,.. maybe you feel
restrained because you have to ask your parents for money for stuff and they
say no...    Well, there are many ways to build up a bit of money ...
esspecially in the buying and selling.  Save up the nickles and dimes (like
Gavin does) till you have quite a bit of money and then invest it in a deal 
that you've hunted for ... well ... that's for another message. ..if you're

Tue Jan 24 12:59:33 1995

>        Well...I live in Port Williams, stars point road... now this place is
>beyond peaceful... it is down right DULL...

     I don't find it dull ...I find it a nice mind blow.  You can look out over
a wide area with no other people around and see how enormous the space is (with
out is being like a desert without boundry's so you just think "what a whole
lot of useless space" ... and sort of beleive "This is MINE ... I can make the
clouds swilr in the sky and the earth shake and eleiminate these buildings and
this little paradise is mine ... "

     We saw lots of animals in our last locality in ontario (deep in the woods,
our drive way was 3/4's of a km long) ...  Bears in our lawn and deer there too
(not at the same time as the bears though) was nice ... I like it there
and would like to go back and visit it again.  It was a wider view (if you
looked over the trees) it's a bit harder to grab hold of with your mind
and own ... but... under the tree's ... you've got you own fern gully
(although, not so beutiful ..but still facinating) to explore ... (just watch
out for the bears)

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