Heterosexuality Must Be Stopped!

You've heard the slang terms: "Straight," "Het," "Stiff Wrist," "Breeder." All of these epithets refer to the same scourge of society, the same blemish on the nose of humanity...heterosexuality.

Surveys reveal that approximately 10% of society over the age of 19 consider themselves heterosexual and it is this 10% that we must address.

Consider some of the facts; A disproportinate number of heterosexuals are gang members. Tens of thousands of murders, rapes and robberies are committed each year by heterosexuals, significantly more than by non-hets. An overwhelmingly disproportionate number of welfare leeches, child abusers and serial killers are "hets." In spite of an over-the-top divorce rate and rampant child abuse, they continue to breed like roaches.

Incest, murder, rape, cults, divorce...This overwhelmingly heterosexual behavior is perverse, immoral, unnatural and not of God: organized swinger clubs for married couples, an over-50% divorce rate, whore houses and orphans...Manson, Gacy, Dillinger, Bundy, Son of Sam, Hitler, Koresh, Ku Klux Klan, Crips, Bloods, Michael Jackson...Where does it end??? Moreover, how does this affect children? Does this stem from lifestyle or is it genetic?

The problem doesn't just stop with a simple disregard for human nature, either. Many heterosexual acts are just the first steps on the burning path down to the slimy pits of hell. They act as dark altars from which a host of other sinful denizens may spring forth, including teen pregnancy, divorce and abortion, just to name a few.

In February of 1992 the Archives of Sexual Behavior conducted a study at the University of Toronto. The experiment compared faces of boys with "gender identity disorder" to faces of boys without the diagnosis. Without knowing which boys were which, student judges looked at photos and rated their appearance on scales of 1 to 5 for each of the following adjectives: attractive, beautiful, cute, pretty, handsome. As it turned out, gender identity disorder boys earned higher scores in all five categories, from pretty to handsome.

In closing let me make myself perfectly clear. Drug dealers, thieves, child abusers, serial killers are heterosexuals. However, the behavior of the majority shouldn't taint that of the few good ones. Obviously the lifestyle of this poorer, unattractive element of society is not normal. Whatever happened to family values? The facts alone suggest deviant, sick pathological perversions, and in some cases, premeditated, calculated and hypocritical behavior. The aforementioned acts are sinful and not pleasing in the eyes of God.

If you know a heterosexual do encourage him or her to seek professional guidance so that he or she may be cured as soon as possible.


Copyright 1997 Ed - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED