Kimberly's Personal Page


LOCATION: (Isn't everything anymore with the Internet)

Portland, Oregon.

HISTORY: (Repeats itself)

I've been dressing off and on at least since I was 7 years old (and I'm now, well a lot older than that). I have dressed and purged my things and dressed and….. over the years just like most of you Sisters. In the end I quit purging and just put it away because I knew that I wasn't really "cured". It's such a waste of time and money and such a pain replacing it - not that I ever had much. Finally, thanks to the Internet I have realized that I'm not alone or weird or anything really and I have accepted myself as I am. I LOVE dressing up and being a woman so I chose the name Kimberly Victoria and here I am (and I'm an itsy-bit proud of myself). The strange thing is that now I have accepted myself the way I am, I no longer have the burning obsession to dress. It's just another part of my life and I can take it or leave it as I please. OK! I LOVE IT! But now I do it by choice not by craving - which is cool. It's much more relaxed and fun.

VERY PERSONAL: (Let's be honest, Girls)

I'm 5'6" and about 150lbs (plus a little I gained this year which is coming off again since I now have the incentive!). I am very much into "normal" heterosexual activities as my male self, but I am pretty certain that Kimberly is to some extent Bisexual. I think that I would like to find out for sure one day if the right opportunity arises. Till then its no big priority and the occasional fantasy is harmless, safe and fun!

OTHER INTERESTS: (Yes there are other activities in the world)

I have many other interests like most people. One of mine happens to be some B&D (switch but more bottom than Top). It is a separate interest from crossdressing, but naturally it could happen to mix in the right circumstances. OK! So Kimberly Victoria can be a BAD girl occasionally (and she's overdue for a thorough spanking!), but she's mostly well behaved.

DISLIKES: Mean and rude people, prejudice and bigotry of any kind, insincere people, having to waste precious time working for a living!, bad weather, election time (the advertizing!), etc…..

LIKES: The exact opposites to the above!, favorite color blue (you guessed!), sexy lingerie (nylons, garters and heels are heavenly), getting a sound spanking when I've been naughty (etc.), nice clothes of most styles, cooking, Web surfing "our" sites and corresponding with friendly people, etc…..

HOPES AND DREAMS: (Hey Girl, we all have some)

My dream is to spend a few days at The Emerald Fantasy in Seattle (check out their web site). They are a really cool transformation service.


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