Kimberly's First Picture Page


and the pun....

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

Several people have asked for pictures, so here are a few to be going on with. When I get time to do some more I will add them to my pages. Hopefully my makeup skills will be better by then too, as well as my photography (unless anyone wants to help?). These are all unaltered except for removing some background detail. In future I shall choose a decent background - you see, I am learning already.


This is me showing off my legs! I just LOVE nylons, garters and heels.



Kimberly Victoria! You NAUGHTY girl! Bend over that bench - I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't forget for a long time.

Wouldn't you like to take care of that little fanny of hers (one way or another)?


<Naughty ...Nice>


Full frontal.... You wish! - that would spoil the illusion.


Well now, that's all for now. I promise to do more in the future. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions. I love making friends and keeping in touch. 


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