Here's something about me :)

Well, for those that are curious, here are my stats:

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 195#
Age: 29
Birthday: 03/08/72
Hair color: red
Eye color: blue
Education: Bachelor's of Art in Social Work

Latest News:

I am on a diet and am losing weight and toning up :)

Where I have been in My Life:

I grew up in Owensboro,Kentucky, and went to college at Owensboro Community College for a while. I lived there until about April, 1995 when I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

While living in Minneapolis, I worked as a security guard, and made many friends. During the time I lived in Minneapolis, I learned to accept myself more and be comfortable with myself. Things were hard at times, but now I am more confident in myself than ever!

If you ever visit Minneapolis, be sure to go dancing at the Gay90s :) It's great!! and HUGE!! :) Also, for shopping, be sure to visit The Mall of America. It has more shops and stuff in one spot than I've ever seen :) Heheh A shopping Queen's dream :)). Also, be sure to visit the "RainForest Cafe" there :) The food is great and is affordable :).

On April 8, 1996 (Easter Sunday) I moved to Norman, Oklahoma, where I live and go to college now. The reasons I moved?? Well, it's a cheaper cost of living, and there was someone here that I had been talking to for well over a year, and I wanted to be closer to them :) We are no longer dating, but are still good friends. I am glad I moved, and have no regrets. While there, I graduated from the University of Oklahoma where I majored in Social Work and received my Bachelor's of Arts in Social Work. I'm interested in working with minorities, especially with helping them find the resources they need. This past year, I did my practicum at Norman Alcohol Information Center, NAIC, which is an outpatient treatment center for those who want to quit using drugs and/or alcohol as well as helping those with codependancy issues. I'm really not sure which direction I will take now. Part of me wants to go back to school and continue with my education,another part of me wants a new job to see what other things are like, and then there's a part of me that wants to try something completely different.

On April 1, 2000 I moved to Knoxville, TN where I am currently residing and working in a convienient store trying to decide what to do with my life (once again!). I am working as a cashier in a convienient store while looking for a better job in Social Work.

Some of my likes:

I do have various interests, which you can check out on my links page. I like nature, animals, movies, reading, learning about different cultures, and meeting new people. I especially like science fiction, and some mystery as well. I also like music, especially musical performances of all types. If you want to know more about me and what I like, read on, and check out my links :)

Some of my Dislikes:

There are several things I really do NOT like. These include: racism, sexism, prejudice of all types, abusers of all types (both animal and human abusers), thieves, snobs, and bad attitudes. I also hate it when people cut me off on the highway without a turn signal, and when they slow down after cutting me off. Furthermore, I hate it when people act like they own the world, or if someone cuts you off in the middle of a conversation Hmmmm.....I could probably go on, but I won't :)

Well, that's about all I have to if you want to know more about me, check my links out, or send me email

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More about me
Being gay, My coming out, and some gay links

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