A Space for Resistance

A Community Response to hate and homophobia.

On Monday evening 26th October 1998 at 7.30pm in Paddington concerned members of the community will gather across the divides of ideology and religion to express a common hope to build community and sustain understanding in the face of ongoing hatred and homophobia.

Initiated in response to the death of Matthew Shepard in the US this event is also a response to the often unacknowledged fear that inhabits local communties in the face of ongoing violence towards gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. This will be an opportunity to create a safe place in which to acknowledge the effects of hate and the larger hope of building a community of resistance and reconciliation.

Rod Pattenden one of the organisers said that " The visual focus for the event will be provided by fire. This reminds us all of the blaze of our own anger as well as the passionate impulse to justice in providing warmth and light to our sustaining community. We must attend to the violence that occurs in the community and find strength to resist and join with movements of wider reconciliation in our society. We are never alone."

Community representatives will be drawn from a variety of groups concerned with these issues including representatives of Christian and Jewish communities. This event will seek to find common symbols of hope in the midst of diversity of belief, lifestyle and spirituality.

Rod Pattenden said. "Religious communities have a special role to play in building this sort of community. In the past, Churches have contributed to an environment of hatred and violence towards minorities. Gay and lesbian people in particular are the object of systemic violence which only contributes to marring the human image through self hatred opening the potential to suicide and further recurrent violence in the community."

"It is important to provide opportunities for people to grieve, to recognise the vulnerability of being human and to build a more respectful form of community. This is the aim of this event."

The gathering will occur at the Paddington Uniting Church site of the Saturday Paddington Bazaar a regular focus of community gathering and action.

This community event is part of the YWCA - Week Without Violence. Supported by Acceptance, The Anti-Violence Project, Beliefs Task Group - Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, Metropolitan Community Church Sydney, Paddington Uniting Church, Uniting Network (NSW), YWCA - Week Without Violence, members of the Jewish community, and representatives of parent groups.

For further information Contact Rev Rod Pattenden Ph 02 9331 2646 Ph/Home 02 9362 3382 fax 02 9331 4864 email [email protected]

Press Release Monday 19th October 1998

uniting sexuality and faith