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The Spells-R-Us universe was launched on the TSA-Talk Mailing List, but the stories of transformations have reached far beyond the list these days, with new stories and adventures coming from authors that are not members of the list at all!

I had hoped to offer the entire SRU universe, but a few authors has asked me to NOT offer their stories on this web archive, for reasons they did not offer. I will respect their wishes, but I wish otherwise. If any other authors wish me to remove their SRU stories, please let me know!

The TSA-Talk Mailing List is a email list associated with Thomas Hansens Transformation Story Archive. I can not recommend either too highly! The stories are of ALL types of Transformations , and the mailing list has become a real community that I am proud to call my self a member. But before subscribing to the TSA-Talk list, be warned, it is a HIGH Volume list, with sometimes as many as 40 to 50 posts a day!

The Spells-R-Us universe was created by Bill Hart for TSA-Talk and set forth guidelines for prospective writers. This is a copy of the Guidelines that were written for the TSA FAQ.

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Here is the story that started it all! Bill Harts "A Strangeness at the Frat House" posted to the TSA-Talk List on June 13th , 1996!

The REST of the stories are broken down Chronologically ( by date posted ) ENTER THE ARCHIVE HERE!

Remember, more Spells-R-Us stories are written all the time, so don't forget to check back !