4/27/98 SRU - Days Of Future Passed By Cabinessence Note: This story is rated PG-13. It contains adult language, brief nudity, and Barry Manilow. Parental discretion is advised. Donny Nichols was in a panic. It was his twentieth high school reunion and he'd always liked to bring his copy of the yearbook to the reunion so that he could match up the faces and names as they had changed over the years. It would also help him remember them. But now after many moves from all over the country, including some time abroad, he just couldn't find it. He just had to find one somewhere, somehow to keep up the tradition. Someone had mentioned that there was a shop called Spells R' Us that might have a copy. He drove over to the mall and saw the sign Spells R' Us, Costumes, Curios, & Collectibles. This had to be the place. "Hi Donny, I understand you are looking for a yearbook for the class of '76?" Donny turned around an saw a old man in a bathrobe looking at him. "How did you know my name and what I came in for?" The old man had heard that one before and this time he was prepared. "Someone from the Physic Friends Network left it on my answering machine. 1976, that was a raucous time to be in High School. The good old days before the scale." "Right, I've heard about that." "I helped them procure and install that device. Do you know that they called me two days later and told me that they had found some bugs in the system? So I went over there, turned out they were just students. Fools couldn't read an instruction book. But not to worry, we had them all changed back in time for finals." "That's very interesting, but do you have the book? I am in a bit of a hurry." "Yes, I have one right here." The old man gets the book from a shelf and puts it down on the counter and blows off some dust from the top. Donny jumps away from it's trajectory. "Why did you do that? " "I though that might be magic dust that would change me into a bimbo or something. I've heard stories." "No, it's just ordinary household dust. It might make you sneeze, but it won't make you anything else. Besides that's all idle gossip. I also never change anyone into a bimbo who doesn't already show that tendency or richly deserves it. And Donny my boy, you don't meet either category. " "Thanks, I guess." "Ah, the seventies. That was the time I joined Bimboholics Anonymous, a wizard support group. We met each week to discuss other ways of extracting revenge besides changing people into bimbos. It was also about that time I had one of my sudden brushes with fame. I got a job supplying the costumes for the village People. It was a good thing I wasn't into bimbos at the time or they might have been singing "YWCA"." "I take it, it didn't work out." "The cowboy never liked me and had me canned for no good reason. Still I got my revenge. Ever seen the movie "Can't Stop The Music?" ." "I see what you mean. So how much is the yearbook? " "Oh ten bucks should do it." "That's pretty cheap. By the way do you know who's it was?" "Open it up and see the inscription." Donny opened up the overleaf and saw written in a black Flair, "No Regrets, Melissa Myers". "Melissa Myers, I remember her. She died about a year after graduation. Ended up in a car accident with a bunch of drunk fraternity guys. They were all killed instantly." "Yes. Her parents sold me some of her effects, they were too painful for them to keep around the house." "That's too bad." "Don't feel too sad. I can sense her spirit is still alive inside those covers. Those words "No Regrets' is the key. Maybe there are things that you, yourself, wish would have turned out differently?" "Well, most of my life could have turned out differently." "But most of all you would have liked to have been married and have kids by now." " How did you know? Oh yeah the Physic Friends. Boy you sure get your two bucks a minute worth." "Yes, and we have Kreskin deliver our phone bills not Candance Bergen. But as you were saying." " Oh yeah, but you can't do that alone. But I imagine they'll be some single woman there tonight who will feel their biological clock winding down. After all we are pushing 40. If this book could help." "Well, it couldn't hurt." said the old man trying to sound Jewish. "Thanks, I'll take it, but I really have to go." said Donny as he paid for the yearbook and scooped it up. "Don't rush, after tonight you'll have a whole other lifetime to go through." Said the old man with a chuckle as Donny quickly walked out the door. Donny hurried home and got dressed and made it there in time for cocktail hour. Donny carried the yearbook with him and began to go over names that he hadn't thought of in years. Looking at the pictures , he wondered did they say smile, or look as much like a dork as you can when they took them? There on page 66, were his two best friends from high school, Jeremy Spencer and Mike Pender. Like him, they were both single and childless, although Jeremy had been married three times and divorced just as many. Soon thoughts became reality as his two old buddies suddenly stood there beside him. "Hey bro, how's my favorite Osmond brother?" said Mike extending his hand. "How long are you going to pull that shit? Twenty years should be enough to come up with a better opening line." said Donny. "Ah don't blame Mike, he's been spending most of the night doing cellulite updates on all the women here." said Jeremy. "Hey Donny is that a new yearbook? I didn't know they kept those things in print. I notice it doesn't have the catchup stain from the last reunion. " said Mike. "No, it was Melissa Myers's. I found it at Spells R'Us." said Donny. "I guess yearbooks is a new line for him. It's not cursed or anything? Being a dead girls yearbook and all." said Jeremy. "No, but he said it might help with all the regrets we've had about our lives. You guys have any regrets?" said Donny. "What else?" said Mike as they all looked at each other. "Women!!!!" they shouted in unison. "Yeah, I noticed that Marci Andrews isn't here yet" said Donny. "Well she isn't going to be here this year. She and Carl had another row before they were to come here and from what I hear she's in bad shape. The hauling business he took over from his dad hasn't been doing well recently and he's been taking it out on her." said Jeremy. "You know that guy is an OJ in training. I just hope she doesn't end up like Nicole. She was just as beautiful with that long blonde hair and beautiful smile." said Donny. "And a great body, don't leave out the best part. Hey you two were pretty chummy for awhile." said Jeremy. "Yeah, but she only used me to help her with her homework. Besides when have you heard of the head cheerleader going off with the class nerd? They always fall for the jock. It's some kind of high school law. Now she's too afraid to even leave him. She deserves someone who appreciates her and with the money I got from my two years on the contract abroad, I could afford to keep her in the style." said Donny. "I also heard that the reason that they don't have any children yet is that he made her have an abortion right after high school and it caused hemorrhaging. I think wife number two told me that or was it number one. Hell, the only way I tell them apart now is the amount on their alimony checks." said Jeremy. "Yeah, I heard that too. You know if I had one regret is that I didn't try to stop her from making this big mistake. Maybe I could have found my way into some of that empty space in her head and been able to knock some sense into it. " said Donny. "So Mike, what or who's your regret?" said Donny " Hmm, you know I always wished that I could have ended up with Vanessa Jones." said Mike. "The black chick?' asked Jeremy. "Hey a woman like that would be sexy even if her skin was turquoise. What a body! And she was really smart, but she was into that whole black power trip. It's a wonder she didn't change her name to Ulhura Abdula Juzzefruit or something like that. She even had a "Don't Give Up The Funk" bumper sticker plastered on the cover of her notebook. " said Mike. "That's cool, so she was into Grand Funk Railroad." said Donny. "I'm Getting Closer To My Homeeeeeeeeeeroom. " they all sang in unison. "No it was P-Funk. You know George Clinton , Funkadelic, those guys. They did "Tear The Roof Off this Sucker". Back then, I thought they meant a Tootsie Pop. You remember that commercial about the guy who eats the top of the Tootsie Roll pop in order to get to the center. " Said Mike. "Well yeah, that kind of thinking could be expected from a guy into Barry Manilow and the Captain and Tennille." said Jeremy. "So what ever happened to her? I don't see her around either?" said Donny. "She got killed about five years ago. She married this sweet talking black guy who was wearing all these gold chains and drove a flashy car. Called himself Superfly Jr. or something. Turns out he was really a drug dealer and they were both killed in retribution after a deal went sour. " said Mike. " I read about that in the paper. Yeah, so you'd think she'd be alive today if she had succumbed to some of your hot Caucasian "Muskrat Love"?' said Jeremy. "Hey don't get smart. So what fabulous female roasted your walnettos back then?" said Mike. "Lois Cameron." said Jeremy. "Lois Cameron? Now she was one weird chick. It didn't look like she spent anytime on her appearance. And she always wore these baggy clothes so you couldn't tell what was under there. Then she hardly spoke to anyone. It was like she had a "Do Not Disturb" sign permanently attached to her butt." said Mike. "She just needed someone to give her some self esteem. I saw her once at my parent's swim club, all wet and in a bikini, and she looked incredible. She was just an ugly duckling who needed to be told that she was a beautiful swan." said Jeremy. "And you were just the guy to tell her that. You know I have always wondered about that story. Here you have this bird who spend all his life thinking that it was a duck and then suddenly it finds out that it is really a swan. You are not going to tell me that this bird did not have any deep psychological problems after that. I see a very serious identity crisis here." said Mike. "So what happened to her?" asked Donny ignoring Mike's diversion. "She hitchhiked her way out to California about a year after graduation. I don't think her parents could deal with her either. Last I heard she had joined this cult that believes that John Lennon is the new Messiah." said Jeremy. "So finally he is bigger than Jesus." laughed Mike. "I read an article in USA Today about them. They go around chanting "Imagine" and "All You Need Is Love" as a mantra all day. They pointed out that he predicted his own death in "The Ballad Of John and Yoko". They believe that one day he'll come back on top of a flaming pie." said Donny. "He should have come back before they did that lame "Free As A Bird". If the Beatles had really reformed with something current, then maybe music would become more palatable again. I would really have liked to seen them do something that would have changed what is one the radio now. All I hear now on the radio is just angry black men and bitchy white women." said Mike. "Yeah, I heard that they only let Alanis Morresette record on days when she has PMS so that they can capture her natural bitchiness. " said Donny. "So yeah maybe, I could have made a positive influence on her life. I could probably have fit her in between one of my wives. Probably could have even married her instead of that mail order bride I had as number three. You know once you screw with them you can't return them and what else are you going to do with them. They seem to know only two words of English "Buy me". So when you want to get rid of them, you have to pay everything and alimony. I got two years of great sex, she gets a green card and check from me every month. It just ain't fair. Women get all the breaks." said Jeremy. "Well, I guess we all do have our regrets about someone, but it's too late now to change the past." said Donny. Then suddenly a gust of wind blew in and a caused the pages of the yearbook to start flipping wildly. Suddenly all three felt themselves being sucked into yearbook and into a void of time and space that Carl Sagan used to dream about. Then after the wind finally died down, the yearbook vanished also. Strangely, no one noticed. Rewind Twenty Years: Gratuitous PORKYS Memorial Shower Scene With Nubile Naked Teenage Girls When Donny became conscious again he felt weak and wet. Somehow he was naked, matted long blonde hair was on his brow, and somehow he knew he wasn't a he anymore. He looked at his reflection in the shiny metal pipe and saw a teenage Marci Andrews staring back at him. Marci, the way he always remembered her, way before all the pain that had ruined her future. He looked down at his\her body. It was better than he had imagined in all his adolescent masturbation fantasies. This had to be some kind of hallucination. He reached down and twisted one of the large nipples on his now protruding chest. It really hurt, this didn't seem to be a dream. He looked over at Vanessa Jones and Lois Cameron in the showers across the way and they both seemed to be just as confused. Suddenly the eyes of all three met. "What the???" they all said as the memories of the future were overwhelmed by the thoughts of the present. Fast Forward: That Afternoon After School. Marci started to prepare for her study session with Donny. Somehow she seemed to be seeing him through different eyes. She thought that Carl was good looking and great in the sack or in the back room of his father's business, but would that be enough to sustain her through life ? If she would up with Carl, it was written in stone he'd take over his father's business and she'd be left nothing to do but to be a wife and mommy. But Donny was smart, he'd be going places. Life with him would have more potential to be exciting. Who said that the cheerleader has to settle for the star athlete? Probably the same guy who said that all the food in the cafeteria had to taste the same. Besides with contacts and a better hair style, Donny would be kind of cute. Vanessa was walking home from school when she heard the radio blaring from a car stopped at the light. It was playing "Could It Be Magic" by Barry Manilow. "Sweet Malisa, angel of my lifetime, answer to all answers I can find. Could this be the magic at last?" She had never paid attention to Barry Manilow before. Those lyrics were cool. Maybe, she thought, there is room in this world for P-Funk and Barry Manilow to both be cool. She was intrigued. Maybe she was to quick to condemn "white bread" music. Not all white music could be as bad as "Seasons In The Sun" or "Billy Don't Be A Hero". Then she remembered there was this guy Mike who was into Barry Manilow. Maybe he could recommend some stuff for her to listen to. Lois was sitting alone in her bedroom wondering why she was always alone. Why do I go out of my way to make my self unattractive?, she thought I'm not happy being like this. All the guys in school act like I don't exist except for that guy Jeremy and I treat him like shit. Then she looked in the mirror on top of her vanity and thought, I really am pretty. I'm not such an ugly duckling. A little makeup, a better wardrobe and more personality, I could be a swan. Fast Forward : One Year Later - Warning The Paradox Begins Big Time Donny couldn't believe how lucky he was. He had a full scholarship to State College and Marci Andrews had agreed to be his bride. He wanted to wait til after graduation to get married, but she didn't want to. She was so beautiful and being with her made him feel complete somehow. Who was he to argue? One thing puzzled him, why did she insist on inviting Melissa Myers? They were never friends in high school, but he loved her so much that she could have invited Attila The Hun and he wouldn't have argued. Fast Forward: Two Months Later - For All You Paradox Fans Melissa Myers didn't understand why she had been invited to Marci Andrews's wedding. But who was she to question it, it was a party with free food and booze. And she was a party girl. So on the night that she was to die in a terrible accident, Melissa Myers was sitting in the sixth row of the Seventh And A Half Advent Church watching Marci Andrews walk down the aisle. She was even given a ride home by Donny's friend Jeremy who remained sober and dateless for the night. All he could think about was Lois Cameron who a month before, after being told that she had a look the world was waiting for, had left him to go to Paris and pursue a career in modeling. She said she needed to spread her wings and find out who she really was. In the third row of the church were Vanessa and Mike. It wasn't easy being an interracial couple, but as Mike would tell everyone, they were in love and love would keep them together. Three years later they too would be married. Fast Forward: December 8, 1980 - A Day That Will No Longer Live In Infamy Mike wasn't surprised that Vanessa wanted to spend their honeymoon in New York City, he just wondered why they were wondering around Central Park so late at night. As they reached the Dakota, a long black limousine passed by them and stopped at the gate. The door opened. "Do you know who that is? That's why you dragged me out here at this hour. " said Mike. "Mr. Lennon" a voice soon to be known as Marc David Chapman rang through the night. "Mr. Lennon." cried Mike at almost the same instant as he bolted towards the limo with Vanessa not too far behind. Marc David Chapman stopped what he had planned to do for a second while he looked to see where the cry was coming from. Feeling that it was now or never, he raised his gun to fire. From his blind side came Vanessa pulling a can of mace from out of her purse and spraying it in the face of the assassin as he aimed his gun. The shots went wild striking the gate of the Dakota. The assassin tried to run, but was tackled by the Dakota security guards. A copy of the Catcher In The Rye fell out of his pocket. "That was a very brave thing you did my dear." said a still shaken Lennon. "I don't know what came over me. I just did what I did." said Vanessa. "I feel a very strange aura coming from her Karma. I must talk about this with my astrologist" said Yoko. "You saved me life. Is there anything that I can do for you?" said John. "Could you get the Beatles back together again? I mean my husband and I both love your music, but the Beatles were magical." said Vanessa. "Look honey I know I've said that I wish I had been old enough to see the Beatles live, but that's too much to ask of Mr. Lennon. Oh my gosh it's it's John Lennon." said Mike beginning to babble. "I know that already, thanks. But getting the Beatles back together, how can you reheat a soufflŽ?" said John. "Still your leftovers would be better than most of today's fresh sounds. Just one thing don't let them record Free As A Bird." said Vanessa not even realizing why she'd even said it. "How did you know about that 'un? The help must be stealing me cassettes again to sell to the bootleggers. Don't worry I never even finished it, it was too wimpy even for Paul. But you know I will ring up the lads. It might be good to see what we can do together now that we are no longer lads." said John. Fast Forward One Year - Madison Square Garden - The Beatles First Reunion Concert Together Vanessa was enjoying her over fifteen minutes of fame as the woman who saved the life of John Lennon. People magazine had done a story on her and Entertainment Tonight was filming her as she, Mike, and her friends were the guests of the Beatles for their first public concert in almost fifteen years. Donny and his wife Marci were seated next to them, having left their young son Marty home with Marci's parents. They were so happy to be parents and didn't want to leave the little guy, but who could turn down tickets to see the Beatles? Jeremy sat next to Marci. He had just broken up with Melissa Myers, so the show would really serve to cheer him up. The Beatles opened up with "I Saw Her Standing There" and never let up. John remarked it was the first time on stage he could hear himself and the crowd. Still there were some women in the audience with fifteen years of suppressed screams to let out. The biggest screams were for the finale when Elton John joined the grown-up lads on keyboards for a finale of "Get Back". In a hotel in Paris, Lois watched the news reports of the show. Her modeling career was successful and she had plenty of rich suitors, but she felt homesick when her former classmates appeared on the screen. She especially felt something for Jeremy, standing there all lost and all alone. Somehow she knew that one day she would return. Fast Forward - Spring 1991 Lois was as about as down as she could be. She had been wined and dined across three continents. She had a box of sparkling trinkets that various lovers had bought for her over the years. But as the song goes, money can't buy you love. Her marriage with an Italian count was in ruins after she caught him with an eighteen year old bimbo. Being 33 and a third may be good for a record album, but for a model she was almost over the hill. And like CD's replacing vinyl, Lois was finding herself being replaced by younger faces on the catwalk. She felt the best thing was to pick her life back up again and head home. A few months later sitting at a bar, she ran into Jeremy drowning his sorrow over his latest failed romance in a bottle of beer. They were two lost souls finally coming together on the highway of life. Somehow they knew that they should be together. They were married in less than a year. Now all three men had finally married the woman of their dreams, as well as becoming them. The Present Again - Reunion Class Of 1976 All three couples were seated at a table together at the reunion. Anyone who passed by could tell they were all still so much in love. Jeremy held hands with his wife Lois who was expecting their first child. Vanessa showed everyone with patience all the pictures of their girl and boy. She never regretted marrying outside of her race. So many of the black men she had crushes on in high school were either dead now or in jail. Marci and Donny were the proud parents of three. Their eldest Marcia was there tonight with the glee club to lead the singing of the 1976 class song. Marcia had some problems in school, but the scale had solved them. The counselors at school explained that she just had problems getting in touch with herself. Soon the class rose for it's song: "Don't Dream It: Be It" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Back in the shop the old man sang along too. He had always loved that show and he could still cut a pretty mean Time Warp. He thought "For ten dollars you salvaged seven lives, created a few more and even reunited the greatest rock band of all time. You got quite a lot for your ten dollars Donny". Some may feel that he is evil, but they could never call him a swindler. "Yes, Donny I'd say you got quite a bargain." Turning away, the old man felt an itch coming on to do another of his trademark bimbo transformations. He noticed in the paper that the village People had reunited and were coming into town. He wondered how the cowboy would like to be known as "Calamity Jane". ----------