Dragon's Home

Thanks everyone for your visit to my little world, come on in!! have a cup of tea and look around my place.

It took me very long long time to create my (nearly) complete first homepage, Do you know why? It's because I knew nothing about how to write HTML and when I browsed on internet most of the time, I found that so many people have their own home decorated. Therefore, I thought of having my own home one day, eventually, my dream came true!! As you can see my first attempt. Is it so?

Anyway, I'm using the name of "Dragon's Home" as my nick name because I mean a golden imperial dragon which is used for a symbol of chinese emperor. It's so powerful. So, are you really interested in getting to know me? Well, asking yourself these questions:

No problem! all questions are very easily to solve, just come inside and have a look at my place. You can look at every room, every corner and wherever in my home, even my own private room (bedroom). But first please come inside my living room, take a seat and make yourself comfortable with a cup of tea or coffee before you start exploring! Which one would you prefer, chinese tea or cappuccino? READY? Let's go inside my home!

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Established on 10 April 1997

Last update is 08 March 2002

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