
The Page for yellow oilskin rainwear lovers

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This page is under construction. I always wish to have more time to improve the page (more pictures, one or two nice raingear-stories, a seperate link page, thumbnails...).

This page is dedicated to all lovers of rainwear and rubber boots. In the near future I will add some more pic's (maybe some of myself in my favorite rainwear, if you ask and send some pic's of you, which i can put on this page) and interesting links for all lovers of yellow oilskins, rainwear, rubberboots, waders and everything which makes fun in the rain.
Friesennerz is the german name for a very special kind of rainwear: A yellow rubber raincoat with a blue backing. You can turn the yellow side inside out so that you show the blue side to the public, while the yellow rubberized side is facing your skin. The name consists of "Friesen" and "nerz" and is a joke. The Friesen are the people at the coast to the northern sea in germany, "nerz" is the german word for mink. A "Friesennerz" is the best clothing of these people....

On this picture you see in the middle the typical "Friesennerz", on the left and right side variations in color.

Did you know?

The Friesennerz is celebrating it's 250th birthday this year!

In 1747 a french guy called Francois Fresnau applied yellow latex to his coat to make it weatherproof. Since this time is yellow the classical color of oilskins.

In this 250 years the Friesennerz was sometimes more popular, sometimes not. Nowadys it disssapeared from the streets. A speaker of Jeantex in Germany said according to a newsletterarticle, that Friesennerze are less and less sold from year to year. The people want lighter raincoats and breathable stuff.

If you like walking in the rain wearing heavy raingear and rubber boots of all kind or or just wearing this stuff because of the feeling, send me some lines .

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