Here are some Australian Buddhist sites you might like to explore:

BuddhaNet has excellent graphics, a wide range of Buddhist texts and articles for downloading, useful advice on meditation, a guide to Buddhist centres in Australia and Asia, etc, etc.

The Buddhist Council of New South Wales has the most up to date listings of Australian Buddhist organisations, news items, articles and much more.

We have come across only a few Buddhist sites which have a gay and lesbian perspective. If you know of others, please let us know by e-mail or add a comment in our guestbook. Here are those we know of so far:

Gay Buddhist Fellowship of San Francisco

ISVARANET the home page of the gay Buddhist group Isvara. Unfortunately this link was inactive last time we tried it. It's said to have moved here but this doesn't seem to work either. Isvara's last known address is PO Box 74342, Kowloon Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
(email [email protected]).