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I am one of the
chosen ones given the gift of femininity but the experience of masculinity.  Yes, I am a Transsexual Women on a wonderful and emotional journey.  This site is for my friends and other souls like mine so if you're  one of those boring prejudice prudes that loves to put us all into definite gender roles please click here to leave now.
Otherwise ..."Information is Power", the Internet is information and therefore is empowering.  It helped me understand myself, to feel I am not alone and to know I am not crazy.  Some of the information here and thoughts I present are found on many other sites but repetition is liberating, it was to me anyway.  So 

Please come on in and have a cuppa 

Although I hope to help all Transgendered women I have a special interest in helping tall girls.   Being tall is hard as a child, great as a man but can be painful as women.  I have gathered all sorts of info from all over the web and my own experience.

Last Updated 21/07/01.

© 1997- 2001 Alison Nouvè
(like as if anyone would want to copy this!!!!)

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