Dear Student,

The series Hevenu Shalom Aleikhem includes 20 Hebrew language lessons presented through videocasette recordings. Each recorded lesson lasts about 15 minutes and includes the following components:

1.	A dialogue that presents a situation related to a specific topic, along with new words and language patterns that are to be learned. The situation does not occur in one continuum, but instead it is generally divided into three segments.

2.	Vocabulary: The new words appear after each segment of dialogue. Each word appears together with an  English translation.

3.	Excercises.

4.	And "One more Thing" -- about Israel, Judaism, History and Zionism.

You do not have to learn the entire lesson in one session. You can study part of it in one sitting and the rest another time. We suggest, though, that each session include a situation (dialogue), vocabulary, a new language pattern, oral excercises, and writing practice.

You can study the lessons on your own, at your convenience. The materials can also be used by a group or a class, either as the primary instructional material or as a supplement to another program.
Using the video enables you to review each unit as many times as you wish, repeating an entire lesson, a sentence, or just a phrase or word.

The series helps develop a basic vocabulary of 750 Hebrew words, based primarily on the ulpan curriculum published by the Hebrew Language Teaching Division of the Israel Ministry of Education and Culture.

Each lesson deals with an aspect of the lives of new olim: Ben Gurion Airport, moving into a new apartment, looking for work, studying in ulpan, going to school, etc. These topics are dramatized by professional actors who play members of the Gurevich family -- the father, Michael; the mother, Helena; and the son, Yuri. In various lessons, they encounter veteran immigrants and native Israelis.

Each lesson is accompanied by a booklet containing all the language material appearing in the video. This can be helpful for studying, and particularly in developing your reading and writing skills. We have also added additional excercises for review.

This series does not teach the mechanics of reading and writing. You need to learn these skills before you begin the video lessons.

We wish you success in your studies, and we hope to meet you and, of course, speak with you in Hebrew.

Rafi Banai and Dr. Aviv Ekrony


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