Consider myself somewhat shy and introverted. However, on the exterior you see a funny, outgoing always in control kind of guy. Friends tell me that I often hide my soft and cheerful inner self. At times I am misunderstood on face value, until people spend time with me and ultimately see beyond the surface I project. Deep down I am very caring and have a faithful nature. My ancestry is Scottish on my fathers side (direct descents of the Scottish Vikings), and Mohican Indian on my mothers side (my great grandmother was 100% Mohican Indian).

Work and service are very important in my life and is the prime outlet for my creative impulses. At times my desire to perfect every single detail of a project, makes me prone to fastidiousness, overwork and dissipation of valuable resources on irrelevant aspects of work and friendship. I constantly remind myself not to spend so much time making a living and to remember that I work so that I can live. In other words, don't forget to have a life.

Although I have seen many places and traveled afar, my life only finds true meaning with the ideal of helping and serving others. By the time I retire, my goal is to be spiritually fulfilled, financially stable, and to grow older living a healthy simplistic life with my soul partner.

On the lighter side: I see myself as just a regular guy. In my spare time I like to work out, enjoy photography, nature and spending time outdoors whenever I can. I like to go camping and hiking as well as trips to the big city as my getaway activity choices. My contemporary side enjoys going to the movies, relaxing with a good book, watching tv, swimming and just about anything relaxing or interesting and fun. My favorite drink is "Southern Ice Tea" flavored fitness water. Favorite food is "Southern Fried Chicken Strips with Whit Country Gravy."

As a final important note: I am partnered with the love of my life. We made a life committment no matter the course and vowed to share in each others motivations and aspirations. Our goal is to enjoy the "life journey" and no matter what, grow old together....."for better or for worse."

If you are a gay/lesbian couple living in Hampton Roads, Virginia and are interested in our Meetup Group for gay couples; join our Free Meetup Group "Peninsula Gay & Lesbian Couples". It is Spam Free...in other words, joining costs you nothing, requires no credit card or money, and you will not end up on a mailing list.

Take Care....
Family Clan/Crest
Flag of the Mohican Indian Nation
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AOL IM: Kepeliman
[email protected]
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