LINKS to other organizations fighting for gay and lesbian equality

Other Local Groups:

Knox College's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Community Alliance

Illinois downstate groups:

The Advocacy Council for Human Rights (Bloomington)
Once Upon a Time: Alternative Books and Gifts (Bloomington)
Quad Citians Affirming Diversity (Quad Cities)

Illinois statewide groups:

Illinois Federation for Human Rights
American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois

Groups working at the national level:

The Human Rights Campaign
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

Other Important Gay Resources:

Illinois Queer Resources Page
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Important Resource Links for Youth

Gay News Sources:

"The Advocate Magazine" (National)
"The Windy City Times" (Chicago, Illinois)
"Outlines" (Chicago/Illinois Events)

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