Gene Ramsay Baugh and Charles Martin Neuendorff met on December 1, 1996. We became so engrossed in each other's stories of pain and survival that the world around us melted away for days. We fell in love.

It was not long before we started talking of vows and commitment. I took some time for me to be sure of the relationship, but Charles seemed to know immediately that this relationship was right for us and that it would last. I wanted proof and found it when he stayed with me through some trying and difficult times.

In March of 1997 we started to meed with a minister from New Creation Metropolitan Community church and Summit United Methodist Church to pursue counseling for commitment and to plan a ceremony of Holy Union and public proclamation of commitment. We took full advantage of that process to work out conflicts in our shared life.

We chose to include in our ceremony a prayer for same sex union from the 12th century. To see the text of our liturgy of commitment please follow the liturgy link below.
We publicly took vows of commitment to each other on the 27th of September, 1997. We want to add pictures of the Union ceremony, the lighting of joint candles and jumping of the broom, and the honymoon when we complete those. Keep checking back.

Links to other pages

To see the text of the liturgy I wrote for our ceremony of Holy Union click here
To see the Printed Order of worship and other materials given at the Holy Union please click here.
To see information on efforts to legalize marriage click here and follow the link to GLPCI and its Marriage resolution page. (I will modify this to direct link later.)
To return to the main page click here.
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