So, you want to create your own webpage? Or maybe your looking for some graphics to spruce up your exisiting page. Well, here is my collection of sites that I find very useful & resourceful. I hope they help you too!

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To start you off...

This section contains links to programs or help needed to design your webpage. You will need an HTML editor, which creates the coding for your webpage. You will also need a graphics program that will allow you to manipulate graphics, such as cropping, resizing etc. You will also need a program to allow you to upload your files to your server once you are ready to put your pages online.

HotDog Web Editor
An excellent HTML program...very easy to use, lots of nice features.

Paint Shop Pro or Paint Shop Pro 5
The ultimate graphics program; make transparent graphics, add text to your graphics, resize, add borders etc.

Another excellent graphics program. Thumbnail all your graphics for easy access. Drop & drag features, crop, resize, instant windows wallpaper and much more.

Web Image
An excellent graphics program, thumbnail graphics, resize, add borders, text, filters, transparency, and much more.

GIF Construction Set
A program to help you make your own animated gif's and banners!

Animation Instructions
Instructions to help you create your own animated gif's.

Netscape Page Wizard
Create a page online, great for beginners who want to get a feel of what they can do, very basic but it's a start.

Introduction to HTML
Very useful...especially if you haven't a clue about what it all means.

Frames Tutorial
I hate frames. Everyone hates frames...they are annoying. But here's a tutorial anyway!

VRL's Imaging Machine
A must visit...they will do transparent graphics, animations & more for FREE!

Homepage Tips
Lots of help on how to create your homepage!

HTML Goodies
Tons of info on creating homepages...more sources & links too!

FTP Program
(F)ile (T)ransfer (P)rotocol, this is what you need to upload your files onto your server when your ready for the world to see your page!

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Spruce up your page...

This section contains links to things you can add to your page that will help spruce it up. Web counters, guestbooks, java & more.

Internet ToolZoneFree guestbooks,counters, web chat and java applets.

The World Famous Guestbook!
What's a homepage without one? Very easy to set-up.

Display moving text on the browser status line

Make clickable one graphic can have multiple links

Matt's Scripts Archive
Looking for some's a whole bunch of them for free.

The JAVA Boutique Lots of cool java scripts here...a must visit!

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Graphics of all kinds for your webpage...

This section contains links to graphics on the net.

Web developers Virtual Library A comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia of web technology,the Web Developers Virtual Library is a well-organised goldmine of tutorials,examples, and links to great resources.

Cool graphics on the web
Excellent site!! Over 70,000 free graphics, everything from backgrounds, icons, images, animations, links to related programs, information etc.

Realm Graphics
Hundreds of backgrounds, buttons, lines, icons, and more, all categorized, easy access, and nicely setup.

Web Sorcery
Graphics & web design at it's finest. Very professional work. Free for "personal" homepages with some exceptions, be sure to check it out.

Bordertown Sets
A nice collection of designed sets including background, lines, matching buttons & instructions on how to have your page align properly.

Shawn's original web-art
Hilarious cartoons, done by a professional cartoonist. Hands, faces, bodies and more, and they're free. Read more on how to get some for your page.

Grafx sets
Wow! These design sets are absolutley stunning, and amazingly they are FREE. Definetly check these out!

Tons & Tons of links
Links to places that offer original designs and not collections from around the net. All links alphabetized, could spend hours here!

Stormi's Wallpaper Boutique
Beautifully designed backgrounds.

Over the rainbow
Hundreds of beautiful graphics, backgrounds, clipart & more.

Ace of Space Kid's Place
A great place for kid's to grab some designs for their webpages. Themes, backgrounds, pictures & holiday pages are just a few great things about this page!

Pattern Land!
Hundreds of textures for Netscape backgrounds!

Iconz's free Icons
Dress up your page with some cool icons

Fairy Suryana's 3D Library
Excellent site, a whole collection of 3D graphics, from A-Z alphabetics, icons, buttons, and more.

Rose's Background Links
A huge collection ( 700+ ) of links for backgrounds, textures, buttons, bars & rules!