Enjoyed this site? I'm working on it all the time so please check back regularly to see the improvements. While you are here, why don't you sign the guestbook? I would especially love to hear from other femmes. *Semiramis*

Sabrina Blaze ^*^ - 11/10/99 14:40:00
My URL:/westhollywood/village/6377
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Die Form/The Orb/Ambient Gothic Industrail Trance
Your favourite films: Last Year at Marianbad/La belle etla Bete/The Lair of the White Worm/Gummi Clinic/
Your nomination for: Alexandra [a hot rubber-fetish girlfriend]
Its nice to find a nest of sites that I DO like.... tonite.....I must be on a roll... bye Sabrina ^*^ !!!

Princess Amy :-) - 09/27/99 20:08:07
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/sidhene
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: I like too many kinds!
Your favourite films: ditto
Your nomination for: Danya Ruttenberg! http://home.earthlink.net/~danyar/artet.html
Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook.

Karen Taylor - 08/13/99 12:34:48
My URL:http://www.wolfnet.waus.net/karen
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: The Cure, Sioxsie & The Banshees
Your favourite films: The Crow, Interview With The Vampire, T1 & T2, Alien 1-4, Christine, The Thing
Your nomination for: Meg Ryan!!!
Loved the site.. :) I thank technology for giving me the opportunity to meet other femme loving femmes. We are like rare and precious diamonds....If you find one...take GOOD care of her!! Luv Karen West OZ fem2fem ICQ-13680947

Eve - 08/03/99 20:55:37
My URL:http://belladonna.org
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Big Band
Your favourite films: Key Largo, The Gay Divorcee
Your nomination for: With all due modesty, myself
Welcome! You are the third member of the Lipstick Lesbian WebRing, and I've also added a link to your page on my site. Good to have you on board! Though, how did you hear about my Ring?

WarriorDoc - 07/18/99 09:51:02
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: kd lang, Indigo Girls
Your favourite films: GWTW, Wizard of Oz
Your nomination for: Audrey Hepburn (yes I know she's dead but she lives on in my heart)
Hi "Violet T" - I finally made it. Liked the site - it gave me some great new links, thanks. Also loved the "beauty" shot - very Audrey H!

Cinnamon Girl - 07/13/99 09:33:48
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Type 0 Negative
Your favourite films: anything with vampires
You and I seem to have an enormous amount of things in common! Please write me back and keep talking to me!

julzen - 04/29/99 22:57:35
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: anything with a pulse (?)
Your favourite films: ooh! ooh! anything with Julie Andrews in it
Your nomination for: oh Lynne You of course
WOW Lynne amazing photos when did you get those done?? thought i'd have a look in I admire anyone who can be bothered doing their own home page. Love your work - J

Alex - 12/23/98 21:40:35
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Fear of The Dark
Your favourite films: Titanic
Your nomination for: Julia Roberts
I am from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). I work with analysis and software development!

Smitty - 12/13/98 04:37:06
My URL:http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~sms6/library.html
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Country, don't laugh. It's how I was raised.
Your favourite films: Fire(Deepa Mehta), Shinjuku Boys
Your nomination for: Minnie Bruce Pratt, out of loyalty to my hero and fellow Buffalo drag king Leslie Feinberg
You dropped in on my library and left a sweet note, I would be remiss as a butch if I didn't show my appretiation. Good for you, having a femme site- warmed my heart. Keep it up-

Sharon - 10/03/98 08:12:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DiversityBay/
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Dance, Trance, Spritiual & Environmental, more Dance music!
Your favourite films: Bound, When Night is Falling, MULAN,
Your nomination for: Gina Gershon..darrlin
Just visiting..which reminds me i need to do a personal webpage for me. You can checkout my 'baby' in the above URL..or check out my first 'baby' (baby=website) at: /Wellesley/6450/ Hope to talk to you soon!!

Varlavamp - 09/19/98 20:22:46
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/3711
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Kate Bush & Siouxsie
Your favourite films: Cabaret & Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Your nomination for: You
You've already been to my site so I'm visiting yours. We do have much in common besides Xena & Louise Brooks. I'm a Goth girl at heart & I love mermaids. Even have a mermaid tattoo along with countless others. Always nice to run into birds of a feathe on-line. Cheers, Darling!

Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 13:44:16
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:[email protected]

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Siobhan - 06/11/98 08:37:27
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Kylie!, Shonen Knife, and my sweet Sarah from Superjesus
Your favourite films: Three Colours Trilogy, En Cour En Hiver, 37.2 La Matin
Your nomination for: The Xena with the Long Red Hair
How could you do that online? My Goddess, you are Femme *kisses*

Sarah - 01/19/98 12:40:01
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: today: Lainie Kazan (sultry jazz/blues)
Your favourite films: When Night is Falling, Antonia's Line
Your nomination for: you, my charming hostess!
Hello at last dahlink! Sweet page. Now all you really need is a scanner, n'est-ce pas? Looking foward to fabu pics of you at some point! *hugs* Sarah

Nikki Facchin - 07/08/97 01:05:40 GMT
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: everything from Rachmaninov to Soundgarden!
Your favourite films: Dracula, Rebecca Arsenic and Old Lace
Your nomination for : It's a toss up between you and me Sido!
There's a little more info as well as my last name! Coffee coming up real soon I hope...

Kim Siragusa - 07/07/97 01:57:40 GMT
My Email:[email protected]
Your favourite music: Mellissa Etheridge, Alana Marshall, Enigma, INXS, U2, Aretha Franklin, Billy, Holliday
Yo r favourite films: The Sheltering Sky, Moonstuck
I am sending a response to your email. i like lots of space to write so you'll find a letter on the pink board. Ciao :-) Kim Siragusa

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