harley quin's corner

best viewed with netscape 4.0+ or higher
last updated: 11 March 1999

Wow, it sure has been a while since I updated this last. It's now the final year of the 1000's (I'm not getting into Millenium semantics), and frankly the concept of turning over a new millenium is scary and yet exciting at the same time. What a great time to be alive.

On this site you will find the kinds of things I cannot freely say as Myself; opinions and anecdotes that I cannot put on my Left Brain Pages (no, I'm not going to tell you where those pages are, so don't ask). Unfortunately, I have to remain pretty much closeted in RL, so I'm using my residence here to be out in some form or another. I guess it's better than not being able to be out anywhere at all. (Thank you, GeoCities.) I am among friends here in West Hollywood Heights, and I count myself fortunate.

I can tell you that I live in the Pacific Northwest; that I am involved with the Society for Creative Anachronism; that I have been happily involved with a wonderful lady for over 3 years now (we met on the internet — oh, how 90s), and we own a big, beautiful house together. I am a practicing Wiccan. I work doing web pages and graphics for a living, have 3 cats, and generally thank my lucky stars every single day.

Let me assure you that my name has nothing to do with round-eyed waifs painted on velvet, nor does it have to do with paperback romance novels. It hasn't a thing to do with motorcycles, nor the wacked-out character on the animated "Batman" series, either. ::smirk:: I was merely touched in a profound way by an Agatha Christie book, by a particular character who intrigued me and touched something deep within my soul. In life, in reality, I actually am more in personality (and purpose in life) like Mr. Satterthwaite, but I think that on this particular stage, I can afford to be a little freer, a little more mysterious.

The tangential path of exploration wasn't working out as well as I'd hoped, so I decided to scrap it. Here's a list of things you'll find on my site:

Beauty Defined and My Taste in Women
Gender Differences?
Love Without Boundaries
Using Universal Energy
Dispelling the Myth in a Way Most Can Understand
The Rainbow Pentacle: A Marriage of Minorities
Romance Novels and Psychic Powers
Matters of Faith and Spirituality
A First For Everything: Inspired by Actual Events
(Contains "mature subject matter".)

You won't find any pages of "hot links", because I really see no point in luring you into my little lair only to send you looking elsewhere. It kind of defeats the purpose, wouldn't you say?

And wherever you end up on my site, remember that the kitty will always get you home.

harley quin
[email protected]
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