beauty, love, passion

I love looking at beautiful things. Beautiful people. Beautiful eyes, beautiful smiles. Deep, sensuous voices. It doesn't matter to me if it's a man or a woman. Joy and love of life aren't constrained to being appreciated by only the opposite sex.

I feel sorry for people who are so narrow-minded in their world construct that they cannot find beauty in everything. Love, for me, always warms my heart and fills me with joy. It doesn't matter to me whether it's hetero- or homosexual love, or somewhere undefinable inbetween. It is the deep warm caring that is so good to see in a world full of people and things that would do us all harm. What wrong can there ever be in love? I guess I just cannot fathom what ires people about same-sex love. We are all persons, just in different types of bodies. Why should our bodies dictate what our minds, our souls, know and feel is right? Love knows no gender.

There are those that would say same-sex love is wrong in the eyes of God. I don't think God/Goddess/Deity is that narrow-minded, and I can think of far worse 'sins' to commit than simply loving and desiring someone of the same sex. And that it's not natural? Oh, please. I've heard it proposed that homosexuality is nature's way of keeping the population down in densely populated areas. What could be more natural than that, I ask you?

Whatever your attitude, let me tell you this: I find no greater pleasure than caressing my loved one's face, kissing her sweet lips, holding her close to me, just becoming intoxicated on her warmth. And if it gets me an E Ticket to Hell, well, so be it, because that's where all the fun is going to be, anyway.