Gay in New Hampshire

Finding gay support in a state where they'd rather have you die than live free

After comming out in New Hampshire I was lost. There seemed to be no gay organizations or support anywhere, and I ended up traveling to Boston if I wanted to find anything that was even slightly gay. It was only later when I discovered a few groups in the area, and decided to make this page. I tried to make this page as helpful as possible by including all the information I could find about support groups, clubs, and organiztions in New Hampshire and the New England Area. I also included some links to the Boston area.

Oh, by the way, my name is MaryBeth, and I am a lesbian in southern NH. If you are too, or if you're gay, bi, or what have you, and ever feel like talking to someone- I'm here. I love to meet new people. You can e-mail me at [email protected]. If you want to know more about me or if your just bored, check out my web page, Purple Haze. It's got The Maxx, Sailor Moon, Drug info, My Piture Pages, Emulator Info, Rocky Horror, and other cool stuff. While your there you can check out Justin's Illustrated Bible. It's good for a laugh. Make sure to look at my links page before you go- I spent awhile collecting stuff for it. Oh yeah, I also have to tell you that I got this page free from Geocities where anyone can get a free web page! New England Clubs NH support groups News and Events