Adrella Kish, Novice of the White Tower

History, Biography

A woman, heavy with child, struggles into a shop bearing many gorgeous dresses in her arms. "I'd like to set up shop in here," she says, daring the shoppwner to say no. "These are examples of my work." Exclaiming over the gorgeous articles of dress and seeing the many rich women who would flock to the stores to buy the items, the man agrees.

All goes well with the woman, and she has her first child, a daughter. "I will name her Adrella, beacuse she came with the sunrise,"the woman said. Adrella means "glowing" in the Old Tongue (well, at least according to me).

The life of both mother and daughter appears charmed and happy, as the girl's age progresses and she reaches milestones in childhood, and the woman's fame increases and she becomes sought after.

The idyll came to an end one rainy day when the Panarch Amathera disappeared. Revolution closed on the pair of idyllic women and forced them to flee north, to Far Madding. There, the life tht they had come to know was not long in resuming, and the woman's first sales were to influential noblewomen and the Queen. Good things began happening to them both, and Adrella was sent to court to be a lady's maid. Since this was often a first step up to nobility, Adrella's mother was proud.

One day, coming home from court with her young employer and dear friend, Adrella heard news that they were leaving posthaste for the Tower. Having only enough time to gather her lifelong companion, a pretty calico kitten named Talitha, and some neccessities, Adrella took a coach ride to her destiny in the White Tower.

Just a few short leagues from the White Tower, Adrella and her companion were forestalled by brigands on the Road. Fleeing in terror, in the process killing a man,and losing a friend, Adrella finds herself at the doors of the White Tower, seeking to finish the errand she and her Lady had begun.

Once inside, expecting no more than to be taken into the service of the Aes Sedai relative who had summoned her Lady, Adrella was shocked to discover that she could learn to channel. Already sixteen, she had expected to marry and have children within a few years, not learn more and work with the awe-inspiring people capapble of touching the True Power. And she was one!

Adrella found herself doing things she'd only dreamed of, like learning the use of weapons and her own powers. And she could not stop being amazed at what unfolded around her. Almost the first day she found herself underground, exploring the underchambers of the Tower and its stables, looking for forgotten treasures! And all around her were friendly people!

There is more to come!


  • Catacomb Exploration
  • Mystana's Social Gathering
  • Capture the Flag
  • The Aelfinn and Eelfinn War


  • Zhahn's Fighting Class
  • Water and Earth Weaves
  • Battle Weaves
  • Cooking Class
  • Library Class
  • Philosophy Class
  • The History of the White Tower

Come and join me at the Netland White Tower!