Welcome to Knitter's H(e)aven. This is my little repository of patterns (there are only three) and bits of useless information, because all the knitters I know are far more experienced than I.
My first and favorite pattern is my broomstick lace substitute. I make entire blankets from it, it's soft and warm. My second pattern is a knitted bag, because I made it up one day for a baby shower present and discovered it was quite popular for gift giving. I suggest adding patch pockets to the outside, though. My third pattern, which is forthcoming, is a baby romper I'm varying from an old issue of Workbasket. It was crocheted, but I felt that it could be knitted as well, so I'm working on it. I've also changed the shapes of the sleeves and the neckline a little.
If you couldn't find something you were looking for here, I suggest any of the sites in my links, right below the rocking lady. There are also many good sites in the KnitRing, which I kept forgetting to stick the code in for. (yeah, I'm bad).

Sarah Bradberry's Page (Home of the KnitRing as well as the GLBT Knit newsletter)

< ahref="http://www.woolworks.org">WoolWorks, the online Knitting Compendium

FiberNet, because Lois' pages are so nice and neat

The Mining Company, for the sheer size of their archives.