The Homepage of Lynn Harrington

The Homepage of Lynn Harrington

You are visitor number since May 17, 1997

I am a lesbian living in Calgary, Alberta. The heterosexual recruiting drive was unable to snare me.

I served the Calgary Lesbian Information Line for 5 years both as a phone line volunteer and on its Board of Directors. I have been a guest on Speak Sebastian our local gay and lesbian radio show. I choose to be a high-profile community member because I believe in visibility. I have appeared on a local news show as an open lesbian.

At age 40, I have been a blue collar worker for 20 years. I spent 12 years in the military, worked in a court-document unit and presently work in production at Northern Telecom.

Originally from Ontario, I chose to stay in Calgary when the military posted me here in 1988. This is a beautiful city, but an unfortunate redneck mentality exists here. That does not deter me from being open about my orientation. Hey, if it's good for the straights, it's good for me!

I am a no bullshit person and take great pride in having a lot of common sense.

I own a home and live in the North East suburb with my dog and cats.

You can visit my roommate Chris at her page.

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