My Giant Schnauzer puppy, Monster Truck, AKA Bruno, The Monster, Batman, or Dufus, was born at Skansen Kennels on August 19, 2001.

Sylvia Hammarstrom raises the most beautiful and healthy dogs. (see below - don't feed commercial dog food!)

Sylvia REALLY cares about them and about your having a great experience as a "Giant" owner. She will give you all kinds of support and helpful materials.

Check out Sylvia's Ranch!

We have been training with Delaware State Police Dog Trainer, Mike Brown. In fact, Bruno just finished the Beginners Class! Hopefully we will begin Intermediate soon!

I highly recommend Mike's style, especially if you have a dog who is trying to take over your house! If you are interested give Mike a call at American K9 Training(number to come)!

Check out the sweet, playful Wire Haired Fox Terrier

I am hoping to have one of these guys again one day...


Read "Keeping Your Dog Healthy the Natural Way." As Sylvia says, "It will change your life!"

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