The Truth and nuttin' but the Truth!
Here's the scoop!  My name is Mark and I am 25 years old, born under the sign of Leo and the chinese Snake (aka, August 2, 1977).  Ok, so it's a bit heavy, but you gotta have a little fun every once in a while!?

More about me......if you're not already tired of hearing about me yet.....I am no longer working at Montblanc at Valley Fair in "sunny" Santa Clara, CA. I have accepted the job of HIV Prevention Coordinator for HeadsUp! San Jose. I will be based out of the Billy DeFrank Centre! I am so excited!!!!

For fun, I spend time with my friends, clubbing, singing, and writing.  Yes, I write short stories and poetry. 

I recently started belly dancing at a local Moroccan restaurant.  It has been a lot of fun and I hope to become a regular dancer there as well as hire out for private parties.  So far, the big boss of the Menara has finally seen me dance and likes what he sees. He told me to keep practicing and eventually I'll become a regular. Since all the work stuff started, I've been taking a short break from dancing, although I will be performing on July 20th and 27 with Una's troupe "Nijmeh". The 20th will be a the Menara, the 27th at Summer Rakkaseh in Oakland.

Because I will be working for a group based out of the Billy DeFrank, I will no longer be able to volunteer at the I&R desk. However, you can still catch me there almost any day of the week starting July 22, 2003.   I am also involved with the Imperial Royal Lion Monarchy, which is a Charity organization which puts on shows and events to raise funds for local nonprofit groups.  Through them, I competed with two other guys for the Mr. Gay Southbay title. Although I got first runner up for the title, I gained many friends and fans!! So, all in all it was a great experience for me!!!   I'm surprised I find any time to sleep anymore!?

If you're still reading, you must be interested!  I'm glad!  Email me if you have any questions!  [email protected]

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Cirque du Soleil
Who am I:
Name: Mark (Marko, Markus) Egusa
Email: [email protected]