Commentary and general harrassment from people I've paid to make this look like a popular page. ;)

Scottish - 11/17/00 10:01:27
My Email:[email protected]
I havn't read or looked through your web page but had to tell you though I really like your title. Sylvan's homo page. That is really cute. I am in the process of building my own. I love to give advice to people of all walks of life. I read a lot of info. articles and current events. I have gained a lot of knowledge from life lessons. So if you see a site with my name on it give me a hit. Oh by the way I work in San Mateo/Foster City. For a bio-tech firm. [email protected]

Ralph Lacy - 03/01/00 00:21:30
My Email:[email protected]
Hey Sylvan... Great page. I am surprised it took me this long to find it. -Ralph

Robyn - 02/29/00 22:27:29
My Email:[email protected]
I am a friend of elli and liz's nice page!

Sabrina - 07/29/99 17:09:42
My Email:[email protected]
You kick ass! i love the cure and to come onto your page and hear one of my fav songs bu robert Oh I love it. keep up the good work. sabrina!

Paul Niklaj - 07/27/99 18:08:33
My Email:[email protected]
Just surfing around the world and then finding your very nice home page was a big surprise. I send to you warm greetings. Paul Niklaj

Allison - 07/09/99 22:51:58
My Email:snow_white125
Sylvan, you're the best! I like your website. It not only told me a few things I didn't know about you, it dredged up some things I'd forgotten. And it reminded me of so many reasons I'm glad your my friend.

DaOne&OnlyJ9 - 07/02/99 00:31:38
My Email:[email protected]
WOW Sylvan this looks great!!! i still get all mushy when i read my story ::sigh:: but we gotta get that whole "marriage" thing outa's not such a good thing anymore... ::shrugs:: anyway...i really like what you did with the place and ummm the only change i would make is to put some more kegs of meade on the wall for me :o) ::kisses & hugz:: ~J~

Hayley - 06/28/99 04:12:42
My Email:[email protected]
Hey Sylvan, great page. I especially liked the fag hag dedications since I am a fag hag myself. Love, Hayley

Terri - 11/25/98 02:45:51
My Email:lostgirl88
Hey Sylvan. How many years has it been? Yes , that's right, on this wonderful web there is yet another living witness to that RHPS silliness that you were involved in. (Okay, okay, so I was there in the thick of it, too.) Just doing some semi-random rowsing this evening and thought I'd say hi and see if you even remember me.

Janie - 10/07/98 05:23:41
My Email:[email protected]
WELL>>>>>just here to tell ya'll that i'm home now. I am living back in sunny california :o) and SOOOOOOOOO much happier. still can't find myself a man...maybe i should look for a woman?!?!? ::sigh:: nah that would make me bi or something...and Gods for id that i should expand my horizons. WELL if ya'll want to come up and visit me lemme know...we can do something fun up here :o) i miss you all so much :*) hugz & kitty kissez!!!!! ~~~,,,>^..^<,,,

Cindy - 09/03/98 12:58:50
My Email:[email protected]
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Mercury - 08/11/98 15:22:40
My Email:[email protected]
Sweetie, I love you but this guestbook needs some work. Hehe, I'm famous, I got my own little section on your webpage.... And I do like the image map. Well, I must say, "It's plastic, it's wrap, it's fabulous, It's Sylvan." hehe, don't worry, Max and I got that joke, even if no one else did. I love your page, I love New York, I miss you lots, I'm visiting soon. Liz P.S. See honey, I didn't mention anything about you bugging me about signing the guestbook. I'm good at keeping secrets, I never told anyone Suzanne was Preg--- oh sh!t.

Mercury - 08/11/98 15:15:11
My Email:[email protected]
Sweetie, I love you but this guestbook needs some work. Hehe, I'm famous, I got my own little section on your webpage.... And I do like the image map.

Janie - 07/16/98 19:14:41
My Email:[email protected]
Oh My God Sylvan...i finally got to your site (after being kicked off twice 'cos it took so long to load). It looks wonderful!!! or should i say AB FAB!!!!! ::giggle:: well Loki sends licks and kitty kissez. I'll have my new address within the week so i ll make sure i send it to you! BTW did you know there actually is another Sailor Scout after Sailor Pluto???? Her name is Sailor Vesta. I think that would be a great name for Lorelai. Tell everyone I miss them, but i'll be back soon!!!

Fates - 06/16/98 06:58:07
My Email:[email protected]
Hey Sylvan ;) Nice page. Now work on Olivia's section dammit ;p

Dreamy - 06/07/98 12:43:27
Well, I finally made it here.... and thought it might be nice to sign the guestbook...and with that,, I will see you in about half an hour. Love ya, Dream

- 05/21/98 16:21:44

Steve Herdman - 05/04/98 23:39:23
My Email:[email protected]
Just wanted to say hello.

Janie - 04/28/98 04:30:38
My Email:[email protected]
AB FAB SWEETIE DAHLING!!!!! May I call you that??? But seriously now...i loved it!!! wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!!! looks even better on Netscape than on the AOL browser. And everything you say is true. Except the fact that I am the most beautiful t ing that has popped into your life!!! ::snicker:: See you at BayCon 98!!! FLOOT REER BOATS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!

Ted Prodromou - 04/07/98 03:55:30
My Email:[email protected]
Hi. I couldn't help but notice your web page, and I was curious about your faghags. As a bisexual man, I am very interested in having faghags, and I'm wondering exactly what it takes to transform an ordinary fabulous woman into a full-fledged faghag.

Janie - 03/22/98 03:56:11
My Email:[email protected]
Hey Lookie there...I'VE GOT INFORMATION!!!!! WOO HOOOO. Thanks for including me looks great...I can't wait to see you all in May when I come up for Bay Con...::sigh:: I really miss the Ocean. Check out my page too...It's boring but kool. HU Z & KITTY KISSEZ FROM LOKI >^..^<____)~

Robert - 02/24/98 02:35:17
My Email:[email protected]
Wonderful page, sweety! Just one thing... you only say nice things about people, where's the disses, where's the dirt? It'd be so cool if you had a 'nasty rumors' section. ;)

Janie - 02/16/98 05:44:29
My Email:[email protected]
Hey Sylvan...I was bored tonight, so I thought I'd visit your site...sad to see there's not much there yet...waiting for my part of the FagHag section to be written...I hope you have something good to say after all I have put you through. Oh well if not t's ok...I understand...did I tell you Loren gave me a ring on Valentine's day??? Love to all!!! DA J9 Mom

kim (jingle jingle...) - 01/03/98 04:32:57
My Email:[email protected]
hi, it's been a while since i've seen you...your page is beautiful...i cut my hair, it's even shorter looks different. heh heh..=)

Manny - 12/16/97 10:44:09
My Email:[email protected]
Hey, you big stud muffin...get some more pics in there...of your gorgeous self...especially the one of you and Jason in drag. Manny

Susie - 10/25/97 22:17:15
My Email:[email protected]
Philbin darling! >kiss kiss< Just a note to say hello sweetie. Loving New York. Being very fat. Baby due soon. Hugz and stuff and now you have my e-mail address.

Serena - 09/19/97 23:34:13
My URL:/wellesley/3676
My Email:[email protected]
Wonderful to see your fabulous self up on the web!

Joshua Fielden - 08/27/97 19:42:58
My Email:[email protected]
well, I'm sitting here on the GeoCities east Coast file server, looking at the least writinest fag in the world's web page on my own company's site. You don't call ,you don't write, you don't fax. =( JF

Don Juan De Marcus - 08/18/97 22:44:20
My Email:[email protected]
BLAH BLAH BLAH! SYLVANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! I think I'm done now....

Java Man - 08/15/97 20:26:57
My URL:/SoHo/Studios/2874
My Email:[email protected]
Cool page my man........waiting to see if there's going to be more info about you than you like the color red. ;)

Todd Follansbee - 08/13/97 23:16:25
My Email:[email protected] (for now)
It's a page. : ). No, really. It's pretty good. There's a few things that could be improved (like a site-counter, real pics, and an animated construction gif--ask Ted, you HAVE to have one. : )--, background colors adjusted maybe?), but on the whole great site. Much better than my template. But check out the real one sometime (follow the link from my URL). Talk to you sooner. Or later.

Gary - 08/11/97 23:59:28
My URL:http://www/
My Email:[email protected]
RAVISHING! I just kept saying 'Enough is enough is never enough!'

Einstein - 08/05/97 01:33:41
My Email:[email protected]
Hey Sylvan, Thought I would visit your website and sign your guestbook. Einstein

Kitten - 07/23/97 23:04:13
My URL:/SoHo/Studios/1040
My Email:[email protected]
Hiyas ya silly Sylvan. Thought I'd be the first to sign yer guestbook. Good looking page so far. *snickers*

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