Girl + Girl=LOVE Ring

Hi welcome to ' Girl + Girl = Love web ring."

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My ring is open to any lesbian or bisexual female of any age and living in any part of the globe!

To join my ring you MUST be a female, and NOT a male! Noooo porn pleazeeee!!! And id like you to have something on your page saying that your either lesbian or bisexual,with at least a little info, picture or link about being lez/bi.

Please join my ring, the more people in it the better, we need to start somewhere!!

I will look at your page and if it fits what im looking for, ill add you on to the kewl ------'Girl+Girl=Love Ring.'.

STEP ONE: Feel out this form to join my ring

Submit site to Girl+Girl=Love Ring
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Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

To go Back to my main page(where you will find my other rings) go to: Michelle's Homepage