Who the fuck am I?!

Hi! I'm Michelle (Softie), thanks for visiting my homepage by the way!
I live in good old Melbourne AUSTRALIA! It is now spring and its getting nice and sunny and I adore the sunnnn!!!

Im a dyke and im out to the whole world and i have just recently come out to my mother who took it ok i guess(but only cos she doesnt believe me)...I dont think ill ever tell my dad though:(
I have been with my girlfriend Rachel since October the 1st and im totally inlove with her!!!! *grin*
My best friends in the whole wide world are Rachel Ferro(x32flavorsx),Melanie(Lori),Rachel(Rach),Carrie(XENA^1) Matt(babyspice) and Meagan.
br> *kisss and hugzzz to all of you!

Anyway, im abit on the Crazeee side of life!
I love dancing in the rain, collecting sunflowers,going to parties, going to gym,painting pictures, dreaming, body piercing (I have nipple ringsss, nose stud,belly barbell, 7 ear holes.....)and for the past year I said on this that before I die I defently want to get a butterfly tattoo on my stomach...well on the 26th of October I actually did it!! When I say ill do something....I do it!
Oh! and im a 'sexual' scorpiooooo!!

I adore music, I feel deaf without it!
Sara Mclachlan, Suzanne Vega, Hole(im going to two concerts in january '99), Cranberries, and The cure are my favesssss!!!!
The woman i loveeee are:
Jenny Shimizu, who is the sexy asian model for cK with the shaved head!,
Drew Barrymore,I would love to look like her! she is sooooo beautuful! and i collect everything on her(my room looks like a drew barrymore shrine!!)
Kd Lang, MMMM MMM MMMMMMMMMMM constant craving is all i can say!, I went to her concert on the 3rd of december and it was soooooo kewlllllll!!!! I was soooo close to the front and i could of died when she walked on stage with her sexy suit on!!!mmmmmmm)!
And all of the girl dancing in the Madonna girlie show!~yummmmmmm!!!!!

Now about my friends(yes i have friends!),
best friends in the whole wide world are Mel,Matt,Rach M, Meagan, Carrie and Rachel F. ,
i love them all with all my heart,and they are truly gr8! FRIENDS FOREVER YOU GUYS!
But so are ,Lisa,Heidi, Manmeet ,Debbie ,Brownyn ,Bianca, Elenor,Damon, Steve, Tyson,, Melita, Nick.... and all the rest of my friends(email/irc buddies too! :)!!
Anyway i'm looking for some friends to write too, so email me...

Email: [email protected]