Cleopatra is Alive

Imagine if you will a barge covered in gold leaf with a brightly colored canopy of red, purple and lavender with a golden throne in the middle. Along the perimeter are two dozen loincloth clad men with brown rippling muscles glistening in the hot noonday sun. On each side of the throne are two similarly clad men slowly waving large fans. At the foot of the throne are three handmaidens waiting in attendance. And there I am sitting tall, proud, and regal on the throne as the barge slowly makes it way down the muddy waters of the Yadkin River.


Okay back to reality here. Oh how many of us have dreamed of being Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra. Well that has been a dream of mine since childhood, and looking in the mirror just now I was carried back to that dream. Why? Eyeliner. Okay, I sort of got carried away with that little brush. No, a LOT carried away. There is an art to putting on eyeliner, and you really need to have a steady hand. My problem is that my hand is not that stead and I sort of went a little high on one side to even it out I had to go high on the other side and then it was back to other to balance it and then back and forth and back and well� Hello Cleo.

So as I washed off all my makeup to undo a look that could have been mistaken for that of the Lone Ranger's bride, I was thinking why am I doing this. I used to wear glasses; and after I had my Lasik eye surgery, my best friend told me that I needed to use more eye makeup to make them stand out. Well stand out is one thing, and looking like a raccoon as another. I will admit that a carefully placed thin line of liner does add wonders to one's eye; however, it is a skill that takes years to master. I have placed more than one brush in my eye and ruined countless make up jobs.

I have found that if I intend to do the liner thingie that I do it before I put on any makeup that way the accidents are not so devastating as when you do it last. Also there are substitutes for liner that do work well and give you a softer look. I purchased a book at a discount book store (remember that the book is here because it did not sell) called the "Five Minute Eye Makeover" which showed that a small stiff brush and a couple of drops of water you can make any eye shadow into a matching eye liner. I seam to be able to control it better. You can also place a thin line of shadow as a liner and either blend it into the rest of the shadow on your lids or leave it contrasting depending on the effect that you want. So if I am trying to look dramatic or even go for a softer look then my eye shadow doubles for my liner. But if I am going for the siren of the silver screen look then it is liquid liner all the way around.

Well if you will excuse me, I will go back and sit on my throne and watch the all the muscles glistening in the sun. You may fan me now.

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