America's Great Meeting Place - The Elevator

There is something very interesting about elevators. Not the fact that they go up and down in reality safety but they also offer a unique insight to how men and women relate to one another. Where else in our society are total stranger thrown together for a limit time in a confined space by mutual consent. And it is here in this enclosed social setting that very basic difference in the human nature of men and women become so blatantly obvious.

Now I am great observer of people, since I spent most of my life excluded from things all I could do is watch, and I think I have developed a skill at it. It looks great on my r�sum�; Professional People Watcher 1960 - to present. And with this skill, I have made the following startling discovery. Women talk to women in an elevator and men are mute. Okay here is what I mean, if two women, who do not know each other step into an empty elevator, they will immediate strike up a conversation. In the course of a few floors, they will have discussed work, boyfriends, and swapped recipes and grandchildren photos depending on the age of the women. On the other hand, if two men step into an empty elevator they will not only not speak to each other, but most will never even look at each other. I guess if one man looks at another; it is either seen as a challenge or a sexual come-on.

And here is another observation; if two or women are talking in an elevator and a man step in, the conversation immediately stops; and if the man leaves, the conversation will begin. So men have a muting factor when they are present (I think most wives will agree that their husbands have nothing to say when they come home from work). That is because instinctually women see men as aggressor and feel threatened.

Now why does this phenomenon occur? I personally think that this is goes back to our ancient ancestry when men walked semi-erect and scraped their knuckles when they walked (okay some have not evolved beyond that now) and is now instinctive in our basic behavior. So take out your textbooks because here comes Beverly's Anthropology 101 lesson for today. When two men are walking toward each other on the street they are subconsciously sizing each other up as to size and build as if they will being gladiatorial combatants in the afternoon event and virtually no eye contact will be made as if it shows weakness. This goes back to ancient man where men fought each other to establish a pecking order for food, shelters and mates. Women on the other hand when meeting will compare each other; we analyze (would I really have worn those shoes with that dress) and then we smile as we pass because of a basic bond that all women share. This too goes back to ancient times where women banded together for support and survival. (Okay this is only my theory but it sounds good to me).

Now here is best observation about elevators that I have observed personally. For years, I have experienced the male muting effect. When I stepped onto an elevator where some women were talking, there was instance silence until I left. Now days when I step onto an elevator even in drab, women start up conversations with me. Therefore, women no longer see me as a threat. How? Yes my appearance even in drab is very femme, and yet I think that there is some instinctual sense of womanhood there between us.

So ladies, remember to smile in the elevator and to talk it up. It is in our heritage and in our genes. Oh yes, go light of the perfume.

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