In Search of the Perfect Brow

I thought I would finish up my little series on eye makeup with a look at the eyebrows. Eyebrows come in all shapes and sizes, but they do have a definite effect on our look and are extensions of our personalities. You can look like the girl next door to a high society girl based on the thinness of the brow. You can look serious, sultry, or surprised just by the arch so we have a great variety of choices before us.

So where do we start? Some of us are fortunate to have a medium brow that is not too heavy and not too thick where a little training is all that is needed to get the look that we want. Others unfortunately have brows that need a whip and chair to train. Some look like Andy Rooney's after he stuck his fork in the toaster and some have a uni-brow that look like two caterpillars kissing on your forehead. Fortunately we have methods to correct these conditions to bring the brows more into line with a more feminine face. You can tweeze, shave, wax and even electrolysis can work. Now I have learned that the brows are not hormonally controlled so you can permanently reshape them without knowing it. I have seen a lot of gg's who got into a plucking frenzy in their teenage years and have permanently lost their brows. The same can happen to us. I have a friend that was uni-browed and she started thinning and separating her brows by tweezing. At first she started out slowly so as to not draw attention to herself and then she became addicted to the tweezers. It was a pluck pluck here and pluck pluck there, here a pluck, there a pluck everywhere a pluck pluck and soon no brow. Needless to say her browlessness is very noticeable today in her drab mode.

I personally have a difficult time figuring out just how far to go and still keep a look that can fit both a male and female face. I know the rules about triangulating the brows with the edge of the eyes and the nose and to only thin from the bottom of the brows but I can never get that perfect shape that I want. I have seen girls with Mr. Spock straight-line brows, with arches so high that they rival the St. Louis arch, and so thin that Devine would be envious. One girl had a brow lift because gg's naturally have brows higher on their foreheads than males. Her lift was so high that she looks like she is in a perpetual state of surprise with the deer in the headlights look. I do not believe that she can close her eyes because the lift was so tight. And there is also the color to worry about. For a natural blond, she has to darken hers so that they can be seen and for us whose hair/wig color may very drastically from what nature gave us (like my gray) how do you color then and they still look natural?

Well there is salvation for us out there. I was in Sally's Beauty Supply the other day and there lo and behold were eyebrow stencils. Here is the answer to all our problems. Just shave off your eyebrows or have them permanently removed by electrolysis and stencil in new ones wherever on your forehead that you want. You can choose the shape and thinness and color in advance. Just line them up and paint away. We can now change our brows to match our outfits. Maybe they can market styles to fit the situation. Okay, they could have the grocery store concern over the ripeness of the melons look, and the afternoon worried about did I leave the iron on look, and the evening dreamy eyed from the candle smoke look, and of course the club look for these shoes are too tight and finally the bedroom eye sleepy look. What more can we ask for?

So let me stand here in front of my mirror just a little bit longer and weed out those elusive hairs in search of the perfect brow that I know is in there somewhere. Ouch!!!

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