Female Privilege

Recently a friend of mine reminded me that I was giving up all of my “male privileges” by transitioning which got me thinking again. I know, I know leave the thinking to those that can do it properly but hey I am living on the edge and danger is my middle name (actually it is Christine but that another story). I thought that I was not giving up much. I mean I really do not get any respect now from other males and women see me more as an equal. I am not aggressive so I am usually last in things competitive and my salary is based on a union contract so I already make the same as the other women in my job title.

Therefore, I am not giving up anything. In fact I see myself gaining a lot of privileges that I do not have now. So I though I would write some of them down. This is in no way an all-inclusive list and I am sure that you will be able to add to it.

I can cry when I am happy and when I am sad or just because I feel like crying. Sometimes a good cry just makes me feel better. It seems to get rid of a lot of pent up emotions.

I can be bad at math. That is what they invented calculators for.

I do not have to worry about getting lost because I can stop and ask directions. It is good for the environment because I will save gas not driving around in circles.

I can change my hair color and style when I want to.

I can talk to another woman who I have never met before about anything simply because she is a woman.

I can have as many pairs of shoes as I want and still buy more. There is no such thing as too many shoes. Well Amelda Marcos did take it to an extreme.

I can be a bad driver if I choose. So beware.

I can be flirtatious. Finally I get to have fun.

I can chose to do any sort of work I want, even the male dominated jobs but who would want to.

I can have doors held for me and be allowed to go first. It is nice to be treat like a lady.

I can let someone else worry about details on a date. All I have to worry about is what happens at the end of the date.

I can show my emotions whenever I want and in any manner I feel like expressing them.

I can be affectionate and nurturing. I like children.

I can let someone else do the heavy stuff. I do not want to break a nail.

I can be passive and let someone else make the decisions or pursue me.

I can wear any clothes I want. I can even wear guy clothes and still be seen as a woman.

I do not have to like or watch sports. What a waste of time.

I do not have to be macho. Been there, tried that and failed miserably.

I do not have to know anything about cars except where the gas tank is and there is always full service.

I can have lots of close friends.

I can be observant and appreciate the finer things in life. Guys are so blind to everything except sports and cars.

I know have a new excuse that works for everything. PMS

I can use a fuller vocabulary and talk for hours about anything and nothing. Guys’ vocabulary is mostly limited to one-syllable words and they never have anything to say anyway.

I can be on a diet forever and chocolate is the ultimate food group.

I can wear makeup and be as pretty as I can be.

I can be more insightful. I can empathize with others.

I can shop and enjoy it.

I know this list is not complete but I can go back the change it because it is now my prerogative and privilege.

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