Feminist Me

I applaud the feminist movement. It has opened all sorts of doors for women and for me too. Today, I benefit from their fight for equal rights and equality. Now sure there are those women out there that feel that the transgendered do not belong in with natal women, but then again there are those of us that feel the same way. I am not here to fight that battle, bigotry of any kind is wrong.

What I am here for today is to thank the feminist movement for giving us the right to do anything we want to do, okay within the legal and social limits of any polite society. I mean I have to right to work in just about any occupation (with the exception of male striper) that I want to and to pursue just about any hobby or activity I want too (with the exception of male striper). We have the freedom to do just about any job or activity that a male would do if we so choose, but we also have the right not to choose it.

Too many of us as we transition want to get as far away from our male side that we give up a lot of important things. Many of us had very masculine professions before we transitioned like coal miner, airplane pilot, mechanic, telephone installer, etc. (I know people in each one). When we do transition we feel that we have to give up these jobs because they are not ladylike and we certainly do not want to be seen as anything but ladies. That is all well and good; but when we give up those jobs where we have skills in search of new professions where we have no skills or no proven track record then we put ourselves at a tremendous economic disadvantage. Also, if you loved what you were doing, why then give it up? Women occupy so many male dominated fields these days that it is not unusual to see them in those jobs. And I never think of them as being any less feminine for doing it with the exception of female body builders. Sorry but most look like boys in bikinis.

As far as outside activities, women can toss horseshoes (without the horse of course) with the best of them. I have friend who is into competitive shooting (that is with a gun) and another friend that loves to jump out of perfectly good airplanes, and I just found out that women have taken up sumo wrestling in Japan. (You Go Mama-San!)

My case in point is that if I enjoy working on my car, why do I have to stop and have someone in a garage do it and charge me a small fortune because I am a woman? I don�t. There is nothing that says a woman cannot fix a car. In fact there is an auto repair shop in Atlanta, Ga. that has only women mechanics. If you like to climb mountains then do it. You do not have to give up the things that you like to do simply because you are a woman. Stop rejecting who you are. We are who we are not only because we are born this way but also because most of us were raised as male. So we have this history that has shaped us into the women we are today. Stop denying your past; accept it and embrace it. We cannot undo what has already been done but we can shape our future. So if you enjoyed things in the past as a guy why not enjoy then today as a woman.

Look at the advantages you now can enjoy as women. You golfers can now tee up from the red tees. That should improve your game a lot. Or if you are in male dominated sport then you probably have a lot less competition in the women�s category. Plus we gain some new rights that we did not have before. Do you think I have the grounds for an EEOC complaint against the Chippendales for employment discrimination?

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