The Hummingbird

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting on a friends porch trying to clear bad thoughts from my head. The events of the day had left me in a bad mood and went to an isolated location where I could brood, sulk, or whatever. I just needed to be alone so that I would not do or say something to make situations worse. So there I sat in the rocking chair trying to get lost in my surrounds. There was a frog in the distance. Various birds entered my vision and sang songs from a safe distance. I could hear the running water faintly from the nearby brook. Peace at last. As I closed my eyes to take in the multitude of sounds, I was startled by a new sound but one that I had not heard in years. I opened my eyes to see one of the grandest sights in nature - a hummingbird had come by briefly to visit some tall red flowers growing beside the porch and then as fast as it came it left. But it left with me a profound sense of joy and a perspective on life. I had not seen a hummingbird in the wild in years and to me it is a very rare and beautiful sight. This little bird who's heart beats so fast that pound for pound it has to be the strongest in the world. This tiniest of birds had changed my attitude where none of its feathers cousins could. Like the brief visit of this little bird, friends are also rare and beautiful. Friends come into our lives sometimes only briefly and then exist but while they are here they enrich us with their beauty and with their song (some can not sing *grin*) and just by their presence. So just as I intently watched my little visitor for the small amount of time that he allowed me, I realize that I should make the most of everyone friend who graces me for I know that one day some of them will leave for reasons that our theirs and some will leave because life has gone from them and we do not know who or when it will happen. Of course there are the friends that will be with us forever but that is no reason to take them for granted for we know not if they will be taken from us. So enjoy the blessing of friendship and learn from our little bird for their presence is brief but oh so lovely.

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