Transition Planning

Well it is the end of February and another of my friends has gone full time and one is scheduled for GRS next month, and I am sitting here moping (something I am really good at) and thinking about why I have not joined all the others and gone full time. I have been told that I do not pass as a guy anymore but I still know that I have a lot of work to do before I can transition. You see I want to present the best image possible when I do transition so that there will be no doubt that I am a woman. Yes I know that we will all get read some but I want to keep it to a minimum.

My problem is that there is no definitive guide to transitioning. It would really be great to have this all-inclusive checklist of things to do in order to transition. Of course the HB Standards of Care give us some insight to a few of the steps but there is still so much that is left out. I have therefore decided to give it a try myself (I think that there is best seller material here) and have listed out a kind of outline for the "Idiots Guide to Transitioning:"

  1. Born Free - well it cost money to be born but it is a good place to start our transition.
  2. South park - Age 0-12 roughly - grow up feeling different, persecute, alone, and just knowing that you do not fit in; and if possible start acting out fantasies about being the opposite gender.
  3. I Think We're Alone Now - Adolescence - begin crossdressing and try no to get caught.
  4. Be All That You Can Be In The Army - Try to deny everything and do what you think others want you to do; get a job, get married, and have a family.
  5. I Can Resist Anything But Temptation - Start giving in the feelings inside, restart crossdressing and searching for information.
  6. The X Files, The Truth Is Out There - Make contact with others and start feeling good about yourself.
  7. We're Off To See The Wizard - Realize that this is more than just crossdressing and seek out professional help.
  8. On the Road to Transition - Bing and Dorothy shows you how to start HRT and electrolysis while Bob looks into a nose job.
  9. Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are � Gamble on loosing everything, friends, family and job.
  10. Transition.
  11. Advance To GO And Collect $250 - Get new friends, family and job unless you are very lucky not to have lost them in chapter 9.
  12. Over the Rainbow - Live and be happy for a year.
  13. Now This Is Gonna Hurt A Little - GRS if that is in the cards for you.
  14. It's A Wonderful Life - Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed show us how to live happily ever after. (thank you Clarence).

I know that this is a gross over simplification of our lives and each one of us has their own chapters and books to write. And seeing my outline I know that I fall within chapters 8 and 9. I still have electrolysis to finish and probably some more plastic surgery until I feel in my mind that I am ready but my heart is shouting to do it now.

So if I go ahead and write the book now, it can be on the NY Times' Best Sellers list by the time I am ready to go full-time. I can then start my new career as a famous author and do the talk show and game show circuits, but I am getting ahead of myself because that is way ahead in chapter 11. Hmmm I wonder how this story will turn out? Don't tell me the ending and spoil it for me.

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