Pet Peeve

I am up on my high hobbyhorse today because it is time for me to once again vent on another one of my pet peeves. Sorry to dump on you like this, but I consider you my friends and what are friends for but to be dumped on each other from time to time. I am sure that I will offend some of you today and I do not mean to, but I just want to help those that need some help. I catch myself doing this and I would really appreciate if someone would tell me to stop doing it.

So today’s topic is, “STOP ACTING LIKE A MAN!” Sorry for shouting but for some of you, I need to get your ATTENTION. And for our F2M readers the topic is “STOP ACTING LIKE A GIRL.” Even though the examples I am offering do not apply to the F2M’s, I think they will get the gist of my message.

What brings on today’s topic is the culmination of many things but a recent discussion with a friend just drove the nail home and right into my *** (you fill in the blank). She was telling how some teenage boys recently read her. They were staring at her and so her reaction was to stare back at them. They stared and so she stared. It became a staring contest and she proudly proclaimed that she won. Excuse me, but this is a game I last played with other boy back in elementary school. Now if the boys in question had not read her, but were starring to try to figure her out, then her response to their stares would have confirmed that she was in fact a man in a dress. Now I commend her for standing her ground but maybe playing queen of the hill was not the best game choice to make.

Another example of how the male shows thru the paint is how competitive some of us are. Now I am not saying women are not competitive. Heck, all you have to do is just watch fives minutes of a women’s volley ball game and you will see competitive women. Those girls are brutal. No, what I am getting at here is that “alpha male” dominance coming to the forefront. The next time you and your friends get together just listen. Is there someone in the group that jumps into the conversation with how she has the best or knows the best or is the best, etc about something? Women do not try to show up one another. What they will say is they have a hairdresser whom they like a lot and will explain why. They do not compete by declaring that they have the best hairdresser because this would infer that they have the best and you have dog droppings for a beautician. Now if you want to see a rumble, just call another woman’s hair stylist anything less than great and there will be a brawl the likes of which the WWF would drool to have the paid for view rights.

Why would someone go through the hours of preparation and the expense to looking like a woman and then still act like a man? A poster somewhere says that drag is 90 % attitude and 10% paint. Well this girl and many others like her have got it all backwards. Doing the makeup and clothes does not make a woman to the world but it is the person within that does. I know so many girls that pass flawlessly until they move, or react, or open their mouth (and I do not mean how they sound but what they say). Have you ever been to a support group meeting and main topic of conversation was sports? Why not discuss a topic that allows one to practice having conversations like women do? Do not get me wrong because women can talk about sports too. It is HOW you talk about them that gives one away. If passing is important then you must pass in more ways than just looking the part.

As I have written before, women can do just about anything men do today. It is okay for a woman to remodel her house or fix her car. I really do not know how a woman would change the spark plugs differently from a man but I am sure that there are subtle differences just as there must be differences in hanging sheet rock between the two genders. The point is that it is not the job that defines what a man or a woman is but person doing the job.

Ever notice how women talk and react to children differently from men? Well that is whole essences of this discussion. We need to open our eyes to really see how we are different and how we are the same. So girls and guys, try to become more observant and become more attuned to the gender of our choice. We need to stop and think about how to react before we react and hopefully it will with time become second nature to us. All I remember about those starring contest back in school is that they gave me a headache.

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