
Ahhhh, sanctuary. The first thoughts I have when I hear that word is of Charles Laughton portraying Quasimoto in the movie the Hunchback of Notre Dame. My next thought is of safety followed closely by bathroom. Okay, you are probably now thinking that Beverly did some major drugs in her youth which I will respectfully decline to confirm; but it does take thinking outside of the box to jump from a bell swinging outcast to the bathroom. So let is expand our minds a bit on this one shall we.

Women have a much higher regard for toilets and bathrooms than men do. I think it has to do with the fact the most women spend at greater length of time in the bathroom than men do; therefore, women have a much greater appreciation for them. Men would probably not even use them if they did not feel that they would be chased by villagers carrying torches. When buying a house the number one room of importance for a woman is the kitchen and then the bathroom. Let�s face it, these are two rooms in which she will most likely spend most of her life.

Give this fact, women will want to make the bathroom as inviting as possible. You can always tell a bachelor from a married man by the bathroom. In a bachelors house the bathroom will be Spartan in appearance and maybe even clean. It will be devoid of curtains on the windows (so who cares if the neighbors want to look in) and color coordinated towels (lucky to have even one that does not look like it was just used to wax the car.)

Now a woman will natural be the exact opposite. There will be curtains and matching towels. There will be decorations and maybe even pictures on the walls. There could possibly be rugs on the floors and a fuzzy top on the toilet seat. A guy couldn�t care less about the fuzzy top. It only delays them from discovering that the lid is down when they use the bathroom in the dark.

The bathroom for women becomes a sanctuary from the troubles of the world. A place to escape to at home. A long soaking bubble bath, subdued lighting, soft music and maybe some wine (hmmmmm I could use a soak right now myself) all adds up to a place and time where one can putting things in perspective and dealing with the pressures in life.

A woman walks into a bathroom with several things on her mind; she could be there to use the toilet, or to freshen up her makeup and hair or to just get away to a safe place for a few minutes. Imagine you are on a date and you have spent half the night fighting off the hands of your date. A trip to the ladies room is needed just to get your second wind, to calm down and to think of a good line to get rid of this creep or find out if there is a back door out of there. Of course other women are there too for the same reasons so you can compare notes with them and warn them of Mr. Hands out there. Some of your finer establishments even have chairs and a lounge area because they realize the need for women to have a sanctuary. It is often a social event in itself because it is normal for women to visit the ladies room in pairs.

Now when the guy goes to the bathroom, he has only one thing on his mind and he is in hurry, which is quite evident by his aim or lack there of. My only wish is that if these guys had to sit in the mess that they make, then they would be a lot more careful and would clean up any messes after themselves. Okay, that is a pet pee � uh I mean - peeve of mine which irks me to no end but I will let it go. Is it so hard to lift the lid? Is it that heavy? Do they not have the time it takes to bend down and lift? And even if they do and still miss, is it asking too much for them to clean up after themselves? Now I will say in their defense that I have been in some ladies room where you would have sworn that a bunch of drunk beer drinking rednecks (note: I did not indicate gender here) had used it before I had gotten there, but that is more the exception rather than the rule.

So I too have an appreciation for the bathroom. It offers me a time of peace and relaxation. I time when I can pamper myself, when I can think, when I can relax and when I can forget about the world. It is a refuge from the world so I naturally have mine decorated to make it as cozy and inviting. I have pictures on the walls too. My favorite is the one of Lon Chaney. Yes, he is the silent screen's Quasimoto because a bathroom should be a quite place too.

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