Things Were Simpler Then

I was getting out of the bath tube not long ago and I was thinking what a production it has become washing and drying my hair. Long ago I could jump in the shower and be done in 15 minutes. Today it takes 1½ hours to wash, detangle, condition, dry, and straighten my hair. It occurred to me that my life has become so much more complicated since I started to transition, but it also has become much more fulfilling, rewarding, enriching, and above all fun.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to go to our state zoo and the decision as to what to wear seemed impossible to make. The weather was unsettled and the temperature could have been from the low 60’s to the upper 70’s. So do I wear shorts or not? A skirt? What sort of top - one with a sleeve or without - and how about shoes? Of course there were questions about colors and combinations and what to wear under it all. In my old life I had only two color schemes - earth tones and sky tones. So it was blue, green or brown for me with long pants and a button down shirt. My only choice was short or long sleeves. Underwear was simple; it was either clean or time to do the laundry. I only had three pair of shoes; I will not even tell you the number of pairs I have today but lets just say it is exponential. My life was a lot simpler then but not nearly as fun.

One thing has gotten simpler since I started transitioning. When I first started it took two hours for me to get ready to go out. It was a pretty complicated process. Today for everyday look it runs about 15 to 20 minutes. Okay I am vain and I still want to look my best and also I am not really comfortable leaving the house without some make up on but the amounts have gone down a lot. Long ago I could be ready at the spur of a moment. Today I have to plan my whole day. Life was a lot simpler back then but I did no have any fun.

Today I seem to be always busy. I have friends to do things with, going out is fun, shopping is paradise and life is wonderful. I cannot say the same for life not too long ago. To sum it up - I worked, I came home and I went to work again. I will say that I did have more money but I did not have anything to spend it on. Well that certainly has changed. Money seems to be slip thru my fingers before the paycheck is even printed. It is expensive to transition; electrolygist, therapist, doctors and others all having their hand stuck out. Plus now I love to shop and go places and do things, all of which takes money. Life was so much simpler but not any fun.

I had few friends in my old life and they would really only be considered acquaintances. Today I have some wonderful true friends. I correspond with people all over the world, I am involved with several support groups and Southern Comfort, I have a website, and I write for several publications which is very rewarding and takes a lot of time. My life before transition was very empty - simple but empty. I must say that one thing has become very simple and easy for me to do since I started transition and that is to smile. That has become very easy and a lot of fun to do.

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