
Order now for this new amazing revolutionary product that is guaranteed to give you a more youthful and radiant look. This secret recipe is based on ancient Hindu Zen Buddhist Tao text found in the bowels of the basement of a Christian Science reading room in the suburbs of the Navaho Reservation outside beautiful downtown Cleveland. Yes friends, this is the answer that you have all been waiting for. People will be amazed and astounded by the new you. And today and today only, and if you act within the next fourteen minutes and seventy-three seconds, you too can be the first in your support group to have this product.

If I were to tell you that this little item is would cost you $39.95, you would be rushing to order it without hesitation. But for this special limited time promotion, you can have this handy dandy article for not $39.95, not $19.95, and not even $12.38. Because today I am going to give you this fountain of youth secret for free, you heard me right friends; it is free. And what is it you say that can make you more youthful and more radiant. The secret is simple�a smile.

Okay, enough of the hype. Here on the TGForum, we receive a wealth of information on clothing, makeup and deportment, but I do not remember ever seeing anything on the importance of just smiling. Women tend to smile more than men do, and younger people tend to smile more than older people do. So a simple smile means a more youthful feminine expression. Not many of us can pull off the Brigitte Bardot pouting sexy kitten look but we can smile. Women from a young age are taught to smile because they know the importance of a good first impression and it is also a sign for friendship. Women smile at each other because of their common bond.

I have a friend who knows the importance of a good smile. She would spend hours in front of the mirror practicing her smiling. She would turn on way and then the other. She would tilt her head at various angles and vary the size and shape of different smiles until she found what she deemed to be the perfect smile for her, and then she would practiced it for hours and hours until it became a natural part of her personality.

One of the most common faults I find with pictures of new girls is that they are not smiling as if they are afraid to show any happiness. And I will admit my early pictures were the same way and in fact I was not happy with myself during that time period. But the day I accepted myself and stopped fight to try to be something I was not, that all changed and suddenly you could not get me to stop smiling. A smile opens your face up and makes you eyes sparkle. Why have a makeover then frown. You should be happy. And if you are out and about, you should be even happier just thinking back from where you have come in your transition. There are few reasons not to smile. I know it takes practice to smile all the time but Girls it is worth effort.

So there you have it; the magic secret to looking youthful and more feminine and it did not cost you a thing except the time it took to read this article. Better yet, it comes with a money back guarantee. If this is not the most amazing new product sensation of the last two hours, I will cheerfully refund the purchase price of this item. Dealer prep, taxes, licensing fees, titles, recording contracts, and ad hoc expenses for vacations in the Bahamas apply. Keep smiling.

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