Walk This Way

I am a people watcher. I enjoy looking a people; after all they are my species. I have learned a lot about the difference between men and women by just opening my eyes to the world around me. Spend a weekend afternoon in the mall, find yourself a comfy spot where you can take in the parade of humanity that will pass before you and just watch. Open your eyes not to obvious but look for the subtle differences that exist not only between the genders but within the genders as well. Notice what the women are wearing. What does the average woman wear and then notice the ones that are outside that average and see what the differences are. For example, the only women who wear skirts or dresses to the mall either work there or are businesswomen on lunch. Here is a trick to passing in a nice business dress at the mall. Wear a name professional looking nametag. It is not the most attractive accessory you but it will make you fit in like you belong there.

Well last year at Southern Comfort, I found myself a good observation point in the lobby bar area where I could watch everyone go by, wave at those I knew and be seen. As I sat there, I saw John Wayne in drag walk by. Well walk is not a good word for it. I think the correct word is moseyed. I do not mosey and from the example of the girl that walked by, I really do not want to learn how to either. Maybe riding horse does do that to you walk but as I sat there saying to myself, �that girl needs help,� another girl moseyed on by too. Maybe it was the water. I was having a rum and coke and decided that I would stay away from the water for the remaining of the conference.

So what was so wrong with the way these girls were moseying � er I mean walking? Really it was simple when you look closely at them. They were walking with their shoulders. Here is a fundamental difference between males and females. The source of male power is in their shoulders while female power resided in the pelvis. Think about it because this is really basic anatomy. Men have wide shoulder and women have wide hips. Now things are beginning to make sense. Women walk with their hips. Simple you say. Then why are some girls not doing it? Well, Pilgrim, I guess no one was there to teach�em a lesson.

Lets look first at how women stand. One foot is in front of the other to some degree and the majority of their weight is on the foot in back. Okay that is where we start from, so now lets see how to start off on the wrong foot so to speak. Try this, from that stance lift your forward foot slowly and take a step forward. Notice how you lean into your step because all your weight is shifting forward and if your foot was not there you would fall over like a tree in the forest (Timber� I�m lumberjack and I�m okay, I chops down trees and I works all day). And if you continued to walk the weight shifts again and again and again in a controlled fall. Where is the weight during all of this swaying? Up in your shoulders and chest. No wonder the Duke walked that way.

So how do we fix the problem? Simple really. What we want to do is not shift your weight from your legs to your shoulders. Start in the standing position but this time when you move your front foot forward, do not lift it but slide it forward. Now you are forcing your pelvis to move forward and your weight stays centered there and you can walk fairly effortlessly now because you have lowered your center of gravity. All you need to do is slide the first step to keep the weight from shifting up to your shoulders. Don�t you just love science? Of course it is a bit trickier in heels but with practice it comes very natural, Little Ladies.

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