The Wise Shopper

I love to shop. I do not know what it is about shopping that thrills me so but it does. I used to hate shopping and avoided it whenever I could. But like so many other things in my life that have changed so has my desire to shop. It might be analogous to a treasure hunter looking for the shipwreck full of Spanish gold on the ocean floor as I search the racks for the elusive bargain. We both know that our prize is in there somewhere but we are not exactly sure where it is nor what form it will take. It could be the same as going for a make over. We are looking for the perfect look or outfit that screams beautiful woman. Or it could be the same as a wise shopper going to various grocery stores to get the best produce for the best price as we compare sales and discounts. The wise grocery shopper looks for bruises on the apples, squeezes the tomatoes, smells the melons, and taste the grapes just as I look at the seams, test the zippers, check for construction, and read the care labels.

In the first two analogies, we are in search of dreams. We know that the bargain and the perfect outfit are there. In the last analogy, it is more an affirmation that we are good shoppers. We know that we have to buy clothing so we pride ourselves in spending the least amount of money to get the best return on our investment.

I have found myself transitioning from the dream shopper to the wise shopper as I mature. I say mature because that is what I have done and it best describes my shopping habits. I used to buy a lot of clothes on impulse. I just knew that I had found the perfect outfit. Well, needless to say, I have a closet full of perfect outfits that are so impractical that I hardly ever wear them. I also do not wear a lot of the bargains I had bought even if they were just too good a buy to turn down. Today I find myself look at the sales ads and analyzing if and how I can use something and how versatile the item is. Can I wear it to work, is it casual, can I dress it up, what shoes look good with it, can I mix it with other pieces in my wardrobe to make more than one look. Once that has been done, I am off to the store to look over the possible items in person. I feel the fabric; I do not want anything that feels rough or stiff. I want clothing that will give some, that can breath and that will comfortable. I look at how the garment is made. Does it have a lining? And then I look at the care label and if it has �Dry Clean Only� or �Iron As Needed� it goes back on the rack. Sorry but I hate to iron and dry cleaning bills can eat you alive.

I did not get this wisdom over night. I owe it all to the wisest shopper of them all, my Mom. One of the great joys that we share is our love of shopping. She used to be a shopper�s shopper. She could hit the early bird door buster special and still be going strong for the midnight madness sale. She could go shopping seven days a week and never buy a thing and be in heaven. She just loves to shop. Her partner in shopping was her sister. When I aunt passed away several years ago my Mom kind of lost interest in shopping because it is more fun to shop with someone than alone.

Well, along comes Beverly on the scene and mom found a new shopping partner and the fun is back. Shopping has been the best thing that has bonded us like nothing else. And in doing so she has found great joy in sharing with her daughter all of her years of wisdom. Mom is up in age and does not have the stamina to go marathon shopping but she stills likes a good hunt. So even a wise shopper sometime likes to be a dream shopper and find the buried treasure in the racks of gold at the mall.

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