
We operate on a disadvantage in this department. What I'm talking about is size. Unless your name is Mick, your a member of a famous English rock group, and you sing for a living, then you are going to have to either get some collagen treatments, or learn to fake out the human eye.
First, go to your favorite cosmetic counter and pick up:
-Lip Pencil
It's important to match the colors here - that's why getting help is important. And you should consider getting at least two shades - one darker for evening, and lighter for daytime. Also, if you are using different colored wigs, what will work for one won't work for the other. My own hair is light auburn, the lipstick that works with it won't work with a flame-red meduim wig, nor will either shade work with the middle of the back human hair dark auburn.
Doing your lips is the last thing you do when putting on your face. Start by outlining your lips with the pencil. The trick here is to start on the upper lip, and draw an outline somewhat larger than your lip. I go out as much as 1/4' here is I'm doing photos. Yes - that's right. Match the contour to the shape of your lip- but go out farther. Then, taper down to the corner, and then outline the bottom. I don't go out quite as far here, perhaps 1/8", but my lips may be different than yours. Experiment (that's part of the fun..) and see what works best for you before you do it for real.
WHen you are finished, take your lipstick, and fill in the outline. Slightly roll the stick as you apply. It helps to pucker up when you do this. When you are done, take a kleenix, and clamp down on it with your lips. This will soak up any excess.
TIP: I let this sit for a few minutes, then I lightly rup my lipstick pencil over my lips. This helps seal in the lipstick and even it out. Cheaper than the "kiss-proof" lipstick...
Now, go out and WOW the world........Be sure to bring along a pencil and lipstick in your purse to replenish after dinner, drinks, kissing, and other fun things we do with our mouths.....

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