
Welcome to my vampire pages. These pages are dedicated to the most deadly, fearsome, and mysterious creature that has ever hunted the legends and myths of humanity. Here you will find lists of vampire films, literature, and poetry. Along with the origin of Dracula and a few vampire links that I have come across.

My name is Onyx MoonShadow. If you've been to the rest of my site then you already know that. I'm a celtic wiccan and a psychic vampire. Strange combination but it's me. I've always been fascinated by vampires. They are human and more then human at the same time. There are many species of vampire throughout the world. From my research there appears to be 3 basic groups that all vampires can be divided into: Living, Dead, and Spirit. There appears to be all kinds of crossovers, for example:

That is just one example. There are animal vampires, spirit vampires (creatures without a physical body), and in some areas of the world vegetables and inanimate objects can also become vampiric.

There are several theories about the origin of vampires. I'm only going to list three of them.

  1. The Curse of Jehovah upon Caine when he slew his brother Abel.
  2. They were a race that existed side by side with humans since the evolution of man.
  3. They were actually an alien race from another planet.
These are the most common theories that I have come across so far. I'm sure that there are others out there but I haven't come across them enough to write them down. I personally like the third one... not sure why, just do.

Here are the links to my other pages on vampires:

Onyx MoonShadow's Main page
Onyx MoonShadow's Wicca page