1998, The year I Hope Will be Better

Well, I am not sure about this part, being really a part of my web pages, but why not? I am going to try and relate a little of my life as an ongoing story and see what you think, be sure to sign my guest book and let me know, wheather I should continue. Well, the year started off with me bussing tables, to make a little cash, as I am still between careers and struggling to keep the utilities turned on, much less the mortgage payments. I filed bankruptcy last year, when the hospital, sued for medical bills, and I didn't have enough to work the deal. Anyway, they all are going to be paid. I had a good night at the resturant, The Boars Head on River St, for those of you that want to know, I was invited to come back when they opened back up after the post holiday break. I don't know, I probably will until I can find something, fulltime and regular, bacause this will only be like two nights a week. I have started the web thing trying to sell Adult Checks, and the like, as well as personals startups, don't know how it will go, but worth a try. I started a links page and have some and trying to make some of the these couple of cents a click through that leads to a subscribtion. Their advertising looks good, but will have to see if money developes out of it. I have been selling EXCEL Long Distance service for a couple of years, I think it is the best thing going for customers, I know it has cut mine and my sisters bill in half over ATT. I make a little every quarter, not really what I had hoped it would be, but still better than nothing and am always trying to sell it to those people that call me trying to sell their phone programs, I know they can't beat what I am on. I have had one roomate move out, partially, moving in with his girlfriend, and someone else move in. I have also decided to give up my room and take the coach, to try and increase a little more revenue, and it will help a friend out too. I am just trying to save my house, so I don't lose it. Job wise, I have put in three resume' s so far, to businesses that I had ads and were I think what I could live with and grow. I really want to find somewhere that I feel I can belong, and grow with. I have all kinds of training and can do all kinds of things, but can't seem to get my foot in the door anywhere that I can really belong. These three look like they hold promise. My puppy dogs are all doing ok, after the pre Christmas romp the two girls went on. I still would like to place Diamond in a good home, as three is really too much for me, but I will keep her until that time and will always be willing to take her back, as I had to do once already. Well that is it for now, I am out the door to go help Sonny pack and get ready for his move in. I will ad to this later to let you know what's going on. January, 17
Well life is going on, though not a lot better. Sonny got moved in, Rich helped us get and truck and moved all his stuff down to the farm, (Jesup Ga.) for storage at no cost. He is moved and ok I guess, then Wed, the City of Savannah cut my water off. Damn, I almost had enough to catch up, but with the turn on charges, oh well, so the last five days have been hell for me, I feel like a total failure. Well, Rich had got all the money I have collected so far and maybe Tuesday I can get them to turn it back on. Talk about roughing it. I am glad I had a supply of hurricane water stored, at least we have cooking water and all. Rich has been kind enough to let us shower over at his place. And then last night I think I just became overwhelmed with all this shit at the same time, and just lost my cool, acted like an ass, hollering and throwing things, which accomplished nothing except maybe scaring the shit out off Sonny, so he'll probably be moving out, hell I would want to live with a crazy guy. Damn I feel like a total failure. I have cut my cigarettes to a pack a week, still can't seem to put them all the way down. I think all the other crap has not helped. I just wish I could do something with my life. I have doing some electrical work with someone I used to work for years ago, made a little more cash to put toward the water bill, still have to finish up Monday when they purchase the remaining parts I need. They are lucky their building didn't burn down, on of the ballast in the lights had overheated and melted some of the wires and there was a direct short. The ceiling tile and insulation over it had already charred and if the breaker had not tripped I am sure they would have been burnt out. Anyway have all the hard shit done there, just need the light tubes and have to finish labeling all the breakers and tidying up. Still no luck with a job, just keep trying to plug away. I have really begun to consider going back to where I last worked and beg for my old job back, just having to admit that is more than I can stomach, I still feel I was wronged, and having to deny that while begging for a job is more than I think I can bear. I still have some principles, or at least think I do, but I just don't know what to do. I guess I will stop here, I feel I am rambling on, my thoughts are jumbled and I feel lost. January 22, 1998 Well, this evening it's raining and thunderstorm warning are out. Both of my new roomates are moved in, and I have about got things organized and uncluttered. Actually my desk is even cleaned off. (Been a while I while take a picture and add it when I get them developed). Everyone seems to be getting along okay. I on the couch am the only one that seems to have to wait to go to bed, once I am asleep nothing can wake me up. Still doing the job search thing, something will happed soon, I have faith, have to have something. I, think the credit checks employers do now might be holding me, makes a lot of sense, almost as much as the prior experience, how do you get it if no one gives you a chance. I am sounding like a youngster now, well , if you are, it does not really get better. All you can do is, your best. My pups are doing ok still. I still have pictures to post of all of them, same story though, have to get them developed. Other than that not much else going on, I need to update the adult page and get caught up on that. My games page is coming along at The Page , but have a lot of work to do there. Anyway enough for now, sign my guest book and let me know. January 29, 1998 Well , tonight I am getting ready for an interview tomorrow at one of the dialysis centers in town. Hopefully I will add a section to this tomorrow that I have a job. I hope so. I have loaded my ICQ back on the computer and have it back, so if you want to chat, my number is 1997804. The roomate thing is going fairly well, one roomate dumped a couple of programs.. on this thing... I don't think he realized what he was doing and it nothing I have not done before myself. I just wish, when he ran into a problem or has a question he would ask rather than risking it. The other roomate is pretty neat... works at a resturant so the refrig. is overflowing... and he likes to cook too. Other that that, things have been getting a little better still doing odd jobs to try and get by. Still no luck with finding a man, but I will keep trying at that too, if you know any good ones out there point them my way. January 31, 1998 Well, I awake this Saturday ,morning employed again and feeling like a new person. I start my new job Monday morning, I heve found my nich, it has been a long time coming but, it is a job in the medical field and kind of what I have been waiting and looking for since coming home from Denver. The people all seem to be nice and friendly and I got great vibes from everyone, like I did when I dropped off my resume' a month ago. I just new it was going to be it. Thank you every one for your thoughts and prayers, as I have been through this period of flux. I celebrated with friends last evening at dinner and we enjoyed a nice evening together. Well Raymonds book is coming along okay. I have gotten most of it in manuscript format and am doing a third round proofing and correcting the obvious mistakes. I feel really happy for Ray as I think the book has a lot of potential, we just have to get it in a good suit to show the world. Richard, my best friend, stood his ground with his boss yesterday and is now changing jobs again. I am happy and worried for him at the same time. He will do well though. We have gotten most all of his art work hung and displayed at his house. It all looks very nice, and I can't wait to have the rest of it up. Anyway enough for now. I just wanted to share my new job with everyone, have a great weekend.

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