The wreck you see is the mess that is me!

Personal Information:

27 March 19um

Cavite City, Philippines


But not-so-secretly wishes to be a national of:


Now Living in:
Brookline, in the Commonwealth of Massachuseetts

Current Romantic Status:

Back to my old single, moody self.  =)
Still pining for the dreaded, I'm too much of a romantic masochist to not be doing such a thing.

B.A., English, Boston University (1996)
Ed.M., Higher Education, HGSE (2000)

Current Occupation
We're not quit
e sure yet...I quit my job.  =)
However, I am now a proud associate of
The Gap!

Previous Places of Employment
MIT Chemical Engineering Departmen

Harvard University
Boston University
Crate & Barre

(What can I say? I like to keep busy.

Other vitals
5'9"; 175 lbs. (on a good day); long-ish hair that's of an indescribable color (which is not found in nature, I can assure you); grey eyes mostly, that changes to brown for some reason; average build; looks best in winter colors (dark blues, whites, black, etc.

Some of my favorite quotes

"He who touches the body, however fleetingly, also touches the soul."
     - David Leavitt,
"While England Sleeps"

"If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me."
- W.H. Auden,
"The More Loving One"

"The man had killed the thing he loved, and so he had to die."'
- Oscar Wilde
, "The Ballad of Reading Gaol"

"Why can't people have what they want?  The things were there to content everybody; yet everybody has the wrong thing."
- Ford Maddox Ford
, "The Good Soldier"

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative
- Oscar Wilde

"Probable impossibilites are to be preferred to improbable possibilites."
- Aristotle

Story of My Life (in one page or less)

I think I have outgrown my "fun" years, but my latent childhood seems to be emerging, finally.  Appearing serious, stoic, and even sour sometimes, I actually am not all that.  I can be laid back, if I have to be, but to be perfectly honest, I would take conservative and uptight over fun and loose.  I have a tendency to be judgmental to a fault, and I surround myself with persons who can give me the unqualified and honest affection I so crave (translation: I have very few friends).  I do not think I am where I want to be at this stage in my life, but I make do with what I can and what I have going for me.  What do I want to do ultimately?  Don't quite know yet  - I don't want to grow up!  All I really want to do is sing my cares away, sleep and daydream, maybe wake up a few times to play with my favorite kids (look below) and puppies and go to the beach and stuff.  I will probably edit this later to add more things, but that's sort of me *on* the nutshell...yeah right, like I would tell you what's inside the shell.  =)  Get to know me and maybe you, too, can find out


And this just in, courtesy of one of my dearest friends in the whole world...(you know, the kind of friend you make not quite on purpose in the beginning, but turns out to know you well and becomes so dear to you that you treat the person like family -- without the bickering and shouting and such).  =)  MFJ, xoxo (you know th
at dear).


"I read and walked for miles at night along the beach,
writing bad blank verse
and searching endlessly for
someone wonderful
who would step out of
the darkness and change my life.
It never crossed my mind that
that person could be
-Anna Quindlen
I am still wondering why I was never given a job promoting my undergraduate college...I have this unhealthy attachment and all! 
My Favorite Links:
Still the best school on the planet
What I waste my time on
What I do in my spare time
My other profile
And this is what I live by...
Everything you could ever want to know about me...
So, how are you feeling today?
Name: Christopher R. Garcia
[email protected]

The Song That Makes Me Weep


When Spring goes walking through the wood
and all the world is green and doves are billing
in the nest and trout flash by in stream,
and bear comes shambling from the hive
and stag leaps up on hill, then call to me
and I will come and I shall Love Thee still.

When Summer lies upon the land in golden afternoon
and cuckoo sounds inside the wood her soft
hypnotic tune and grape grows heavy on the vine
to feed the wild boar.  Then I will answer to Thy call,
and I shall Love Thee more.

When Autumn mist obscures the hills
and frost is on the ground and fallen leaves stretch
dead and dry to muffle every sound, and geese
go winging past the moon and star shines clear
and cold, though it should last a thousand years,
my Love will not grow old.

When Winter winds blow sharp and keen,
and winter snows drift deep and owl and wolf
and snowshoe hare their frozen vigil keep,
and winter sun shines dim and pale and
quickly sinks in west, then even though
the night be long, my Love will stand the test.

So every Quarter of the Year proclaims
the growth of Love,
for Love outlasts all Seasons
and Love will be enough.
More interesting stuff, maybe even some new photos, to soon as I get my film rolls developed. 
You need Java to see this applet.
Apparently this is my attempt at  trying to look cute or something.  I don't think the nuance I was going for was captured properly.  Ech, well...Kodak has never really been a friend of mine.
London Absolutely kills me.

("Darling, you can never have enough hats, gloves, and shoes.").

Still, though,can that wacky hat get any taller?
Okay, you have to admit that these are the most adorable kids you've ever seen!
You need Java to see this applet.
You need Java to see this applet.
This would be me & HRH Martha Stewart
Right, cheers, thanks a lot for visiting this page.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook on your way out.

My personal laundry list of things I love (in no particular order)

I love: * my Paddington Bear * sleeping alone and sleeping in late * snowdrifts and cold weather * sappy, cry-ey movies * non-sensical B-movies * singing and music * anything hazelnut * the colors blue and yellow * the country and flag of Spain * Barcelona * Madrid * Valencia * Eivissa (during the non-tourist season) * paris * London * being on psychiatric medication * being on any medication at all * the smell of Carolina Herrera for Men (my signature scent) * Dolce & Gabbana pour homme * Jean-Paul Gaultier's Le M�l * L'eau d'Issey Miyake * Boston * Martha Stewart * conservatives * Britcoms * milk and white chocolate * planning vacations I never would take * going to school and collecting degrees * going to work and complaining about it *  Joan Mir� * David Leavitt * David Sedaris * the Spice Girls * flying * being only semi-conscious * Benson & Hedges Ultra Light Menthol 100s * Virgin Megastore * chatting online * Delta Air Lines * Virgin Atlantic *  Iowa City * Angela and Avery and Karen and Rick  and Bacchus * Mo and Jenny and soon-to-be Baby Imogene* snowstorms and thunderstorms * the Spanish language * Valley of the Dolls and pill-popping * silver things * Tiffany & Co. * big fluffy dogs * my family * being random * the beach at night * cool ocean breezes * wading in the water up to my ankles * staring at the night sky * watching the stars * reaching for them...eventually fading into nothing.