Poetry by Millissa

We flying men of Pakador
Danced for the King above the floor
He cared not for our dancing flight
But piqued his interest to see us fight

Within Me

Within me blossoms a flower
Shaded and silent
A virgin to eyes
Seeking someones light
Warmth from a heart
Pale this unnamed blossom be
Wishing for someones granted color

Within me
Things I cannot describe
Because of no light to see them
No one to show me what I am
Hoping for one to show
Not to change me to their whims

Silent I seem
But silent I'm not
Hear me
Hear my soul

Black Horse

I've walked this countryside
 Many sunny days before,
But the black horse never
 In my life had seen before.

It's beauty is so great.
 Oh, how I want so to touch.
Come closer black horse please!
 oh, how I want so to touch.

She never noticed me.
 She came to me, alright.
But she didn't come with love.
 Yet I did become so bright.

She showed some compassion 
 To my lowlied soul this day.
I thought that she did love
 And I love her so this day.

She realized her feelings
 And now she is to leave me
The way I had done so
 To those that had love for me.

Don't leave me, I love you.
 I cannot take it this way.
Please don't leave me feeling
 Like I couldn't live one more day.

Come back to me,
 Don't leave me this way.
Please come back and stay.
 Oh, I do pray
Come back to me.

Black horse come back
 And never leave me.
I hope you shall see
 How I do plea
Black horse come back.

I've walked this countryside
 Many sunny days again.
But I haven't seen Black horse
 Ever in my life again.

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